Procedure Change Process
AEMO develops and changes Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Procedures in accordance with section 2.10 of the Electricity System and Market Rules (ESM Rules). WEM Procedures are more process-related than the ESM Rules and deal with matters including market operation, dispatch and planning, distributed energy resources, security and reliability, and administrative matters.
The Coordinator of Energy, Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) and Western Power also have responsibility in the ESM Rules for making and amending WEM Procedures related to their functions.
Summary of procedure changes
All current and past Procedure Change Proposals by AEMO are available here. This page also shows previous Procedure Change Proposals developed by the IMO.
Procedure Change Process
Overview of Procedure Change Process
Under the ESM Rules, only AEMO may initiate the Procedure Change Process in respect of AEMO’s WEM Procedures, however, Rule Participants may approach AEMO with suggested changes to procedures.
Any Procedure Change Proposal must be:
Consistent with the State Electricity Objective; and
Consistent with the ESM Rules, the Electricity Industry Act 2004 and Regulations.
The State Electricity Objective is provided under section 3A of the Electricity Industry Act 2004:
The State electricity objective is to promote efficient investment in, and efficient operation and use of, electricity services for the long-term interests of consumers of electricity in relation to —
(a) the quality, safety, security and reliability of supply of electricity; and
(b) the price of electricity; and
(c) the environment, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Once AEMO has developed a new WEM Procedure or a proposed amendment to an existing WEM Procedure, AEMO publishes a Procedure Change Proposal and a call for submissions from the public. AEMO, the ERA, Western Power or the Coordinator of Energy may convene the Market Advisory Committee (MAC) to discuss the proposal.
Following consideration of submissions, AEMO is required to publish a Procedure Change Report which includes the details of the original proposal, the proposed amended wording of the procedure, a time and date for the new WEM Procedure to come into force, and a summary of the submissions received and AEMO’s response to matters raised in submissions.
Any person can make a submission relating to a Procedure Change Proposal, during the period indicated for public submissions. Submissions should be provided by email to the nominated AEMO contact and must be received before 5:00 pm (WST) on the final submission date, unless otherwise noted.
AEMO is not obliged to consider submissions received after the closing date and time. Any late submissions should explain the reason for lateness and the detriment to you if AEMO does not consider your submission.
A submission must clearly state which Procedure Change Proposal is being addressed, using the reference number. Please relate each submission to a single Procedure Change Proposal. Submissions should be made using the form below.
Recommending a Procedure change
All suggestions for amendment or replacement of an AEMO WEM Procedure should be sent to