Real time data files from the Short Term Trading Market (STTM) are currently being updated.
Data includes: ex ante market price, provisional market price, mos stack data, allocation quantity, schedule log, hub and facility definitions, total contingency bid & offer, default allocation notice, contingency gas price and more.
Please note that the STTM started operation on 1 September 2010. Any market data related to gas days prior to 1 September are a result of the STTM Market Trial and were for Trial purposes only.
Sydney Change in Linepack (CLP) - Historical Data
Daily Files
- Ex Ante Market Price (1.93 KB, csv)
Ex ante market price at STTM hubs for a gas day.
- Ex Ante Schedule Quantity (12.8 KB, csv)
Ex ante market schedule quantity for each STTM facility for a gas day.
- Ex Ante Pipeline Data (6.93 KB, csv)
Ex ante capacity price, flow constraint price and capacity quantity for each facility of type pipeline.
- Provisional Market Price (2.89 KB, csv)
Provisional prices for D-2 and D-3 for all STTM hubs.
- Provisional Schedule Quantity (23.4 KB, csv)
Provisional schedule quantity for each STTM facility for D-2 and D-3.
- Provisional Pipeline Data (10.1 KB, csv)
Provisional capacity price, provisional flow constraint price and provisional capacity quantity for each facility of type pipeline for D-2 and D-3.
- Ex Post Market Data (2.13 KB, csv)
Ex post (D+1) details for the STTM hubs for a gas date.
- Latest Allocation Quantity (56.8 KB, csv)
Total allocation quantity for each STTM facility.
- Bid & Offer Report (982 KB, csv)
All bids and offers used in ex ante and D-2, D-3 provisional schedules for all STTM hubs.
- Contingency Gas Bid & Offer (73.7 KB, csv)
Information on the received (by AEMO) contingency gas bids and offers for each STTM facility.
- Contingency Gas Called Scheduled Bid Offer
Information on the received (by AEMO) contingency gas bids and offers as well as the confirmed and called bids and offers for each STTM facility.
- Provisional Deviation Market Settlement (38.3 KB, csv)
Daily total deviation quantity, total deviation charges and payments by facility.
- Provisional Variation and MOS Service Market Settlement (9.66 KB, csv)
Daily variation quantity and charge amount as well as MOS settlement amounts by hub.
- Daily Provisional MOS Allocation Data (10.9 KB, csv)
Daily provisional MOS allocation data.
- MOS Stack Data (41.6 KB, csv)
MOS stack data for each STTM pipeline facility. It contains quantity and price data for each MOS stack step as well as the standing payment rate of the contract associated with each step as well as MOS Provider data.
- STTM Market Notices
Details of all current market notices.
- Market Parameters
Market parameters.
- Schedule Log
Details of published schedule runs.
- Settlement Version
The purpose of this report is to dispaly details of settlement runs (versions) where the due date has not passed.
- STTM Participant Register
Details of all STTM registered participants, including but not limited to trading participants. The address shown is the head office address.
- Hub and Facility Definitions
Details of all hubs and facilities in the STTM.
- Cumulative Price Threshold
The calculated cumulative price for each STTM hub.
- Total Contingency Bid and Offer
Total contingency bid and offer for each hub.
- Total Contingency Gas Schedules
Total contingency bid and offer for each hub.
- Default Allocation Notice
This report is to inform the market when default facility allocation is applied.
- Rolling Ex Ante Price Average
Rolling average for previous 30 gas days of the ex ante hub price.
- Contingency Gas Price
High and low contingency gas prices if contingency gas was called for the gas date.
- Daily Net Market Balance
Provisional inputs to market surplus / shortfall calculation for the current billing period to date.
- Settlement Net Market Balance
Inputs to market settlement surplus / shortfall calculation for the most recently published settlement statements.
- DP Flag
Value of DP flag
- Provisional Capacity Data
Provisional inputs required for the calculation of capacity payments / charges.
- Settlement MOS and Capacity Data
MOS and capacity data for the most recently published settlement statements.
- Provisional Allocated MOS Steps
Daily list of MOS steps with non-zero allocation for each MOS stack
- Settlement Allocated MOS steps
MOS steps with non-zero allocation for each MOS stack for the most recently published settlement statements.
- Facility Hub Capacity Data
Daily information on STTM facility hub default capacity, STTM facility maximum hub capacity and STTM facility hub capacity warning limits.
- Allocation Warning Limit Thresholds
Daily information on STTM facility upper and lower allocation warning limits.
- Ex Post Pipeline Allocation Quantity
Total allocation quantity and allocation quantity data quality for each STTM facility in the systems at the time the ex post imbalance price is run.
- Deviation Price Data
Deviation price and the data used to determine the deviation price for each STTM hub for a gas day.