RERT Tendering

Interim Reliability Reserves Invitation to Tender 2024/25  

In its Update to the 2023 Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) published in May 2024, AEMO determined that the forecast reliability of supply in New South Wales and Victoria exceeded the interim reliability measure of 0.0006% unserved energy. AEMO is therefore seeking tenders for Interim Reliability Reserves in New South Wales and Victoria.

The Interim Reliability Reserve mechanism (see clauses 3.20 and 11.128 of the National Electricity Rules) is intended to operate in a similar way to long notice RERT. 

Reserve contracts for Interim Reliability Reserve differ from Short Notice RERT because they require a full and fixed commitment of reserves and include strict performance requirements and testing conditions. The reserves contracted as Interim Reliability Reserves may not be varied and will be required to be 100% available on a firm basis for the duration of the agreement. 

AEMO is seeking Tenders from parties who have out of market load reduction or out of market generation capacity. For example, this can be grid-scale generation, large industrial loads, a group of aggregated smaller loads or small onsite generators. 

For any questions please contact AEMO via the RERT email address

The Tender for Interim Reliability Reserves – 2024/25 is open until 19 July 2024. The Invitation to Tender documents are provided below.

2023/2024 Interim Reliability Reserves Tender Documents.

The 2023/2024 Invitation to Tender documents for Interim Reliability Reserves are provided below and are for reference only.

Unscheduled Short Notice RERT Panel 

Every year, AEMO seeks expressions of interest from eligible parties to join the short notice RERT panel. 

Interested parties can refer to the 2023 expression of interest documents below for further information. These are updated for each expression of interest round, requests for which are typically sought by AEMO in July/August each year. 

If you are interested in becoming a RERT provider, please request a meeting with AEMO for introductions and an explanation of the operational aspects of the program by contacting AEMO at


The following FAQs were prepared from questions asked by interested proponents in previous years. Please return regularly for updates. For reference we provide:

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