Metropolitan Melbourne Voltage Management regulatory investment test for transmission

Strategic planning of our power system is crucial to making smart, informed decisions in the long-term interests of Australian energy consumers. AEMO Victorian Planning (AVP) is undertaking this Metropolitan Melbourne Voltage Management Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) to assess the technical and economic benefit of credible options to manage over- and under-voltages in the metropolitan Melbourne area in Victoria.

The RIT-T process is a regulatory mechanism that applies an economic cost-benefit test to identify the preferred investment to meet an identified need.

When not an actionable Integrated System Plan (ISP) project, the RIT-T process requires the RIT-T proponent considering an investment to publish three reports:

  1. The Project Specification Consultation Report (PSCR) seeks feedback and advice on the identified need to invest and credible options to be assessed.
  2. The Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) identifies and seeks feedback on the assessment approach and proposed preferred option, considering submissions to the PSCR consultation process.
  3. The Project Assessment Conclusions Report (PACR) presents the RIT-T proponent’s preferred solution, considering submissions to the PADR, which is the credible option that maximises the present value of net economic benefit to all those who produce, consume and transport electricity in the National Electricity Market.

Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR)

AVP published the PADR in for this Metropolitan Melbourne Voltage Management RIT-T on 26 July 2024, which represents step two of the public consultation process for this RIT-T.

The PADR assesses and identifies the draft preferred investment option which delivers the greatest net market benefits.

To inform the next phase of the RIT-T process, AEMO invites written submissions on this PADR, including comments on the inputs, analysis and choice of preferred option. Submissions are due on or before 5pm Wednesday 6 September 2024 at

Metropolitan Melbourne Voltage Management PADR Webinar

AVP is pleased to invite you to a webinar where we will provide an overview on key elements of PADR and provide you with the opportunity for you to ask questions. 

The webinar will be held on Monday 26 August 2024 from 2:00 – 3:00pm. 

Please register your interest to attend, along with any questions you would like covered in the session, by emailing by COB Friday 16th August.

Project Specification Consultation Report (PSCR)

AVP published the PSCR for this Metropolitan Melbourne Voltage Management RIT-T in October 2023.

AVP published the PSCR for this Metropolitan Melbourne Voltage Management RIT-T in October 2023 and called for written submissions.

Two confidential submissions were received for the PSCR.

AVP published the PSCR for this Metropolitan Melbourne Voltage Management RIT-T in October 2023.

AVP is committed to working with industry, government, investors and consumers to secure and shape Australia’s energy future in the long-term interests of consumers. We value your feedback and advice on this RIT-T and are committed to ongoing dialogue with our stakeholders.

Metropolitan Melbourne Voltage Management PSCR Webinar

On 19 December 2023, AEMO held a webinar to inform stakeholders of the key elements of the Metropolitan Melbourne Voltage Management PSCR. The slides presented on the day provided below:

We will continue to provide updates as we move through this program and welcome your thoughts via our stakeholder engagement activities which will be announced on this page in the coming months. For more information, contact

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