NEM Reform Implementation Roadmap
AEMO’s NEM Reform Implementation roadmap (the Roadmap) provides AEMO and stakeholders with a holistic view of the reforms impacting Australia’s east coast Electricity and Gas markets. The purpose of the Roadmap is to de-risk delivery, inform implementation timing and minimise implementation cost. The Roadmap will be revised periodically to reflect changes in scope or timelines as policy or designs are being finalised or as new rule determinations are made.
Supporting documentation
Key considerations
The NEM Reform Program (the Program) continues to be a large scale, complex industry wide program designed to deliver the significant volume of reforms in support of the energy transition and Australia’s drive towards a net-zero emission economy.
The scope of the Program has evolved and will continue to evolve over time as new rule changes or policies are assessed and announced and as uncertainty associated with the scope, design, requirements, or timeline for implementing initiatives reduces.
This evolution has been reflected in version 5 of the NEM Reform Implementation Roadmap (the Roadmap) and supporting artefacts, developed in conjunction with Reform Delivery Committee (RDC) members and the Programs’ change management process.
Key updates to the Roadmap include:
- Market Interface Technology Enhancements (MITE) – Progression of initiatives including identity and Access Management, Industry Data Exchange and Portal Consolidation, following industry enforcement and AEMO approval
- Inclusion of various new rule changes including access to real-time data for consumers, and the acceleration of smart meter deployment
- Amendments to better align scope and timing across initiatives, including changes to status e.g. unlocking consumer energy resources (CER) benefits through flexible trading, following publication of a final rules' determination by the AEMC
- Alignment of existing AEMO CER initiatives with those in the Commonwealth Government’s National CER Roadmap published in July 2024.
AEMO and the RDC acknowledge the significant work program to be managed in the coming years with several reform initiatives to be delivered with varying impacts across participants, teams, systems and processes. AEMO will continue to work closely with stakeholders to understand the impacts of initiatives, as well as identify bundling and sequencing opportunities where suitable to provide for efficient implementation of the Program, including in the development of future initiative High Level Implementation Assessments.
Previous versions
NEM Reform Implementation Roadmap - Version 4
NEM Reform Implementation Roadmap - Version 3.1
NEM Reform Implementation Roadmap - Version 3
NEM Reform Implementation Roadmap - Version 2
NEM Reform Implementation Roadmap - Version 1
Regulatory Implementation Roadmap - Version 6
Regulatory Implementation Roadmap - Version 5
Regulatory Implementation Roadmap - Version 4
Regulatory Roadmap - Version 3
Regulatory prioritisation advice and second Roadmap
Initial regulatory prioritisation advice
Stay informed
The roadmap is maintained in collaboration with the Reform Delivery Committee. Stakeholders can access meeting materials by visiting the dedicated webpage.
For more information, please contact