Australian Energy Sector Cyber Security Framework
Protecting Australia’s energy sector from cyber threats is of national importance. This has been as recognised by the inclusion of the energy sector within the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (SoCI Act) reforms. These reforms support the ability of the energy sector to maintain secure and reliable energy supplies thereby supporting our economic stability and national security.
In response to the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market - Blueprint for the Future recommendation 2.10, in 2018 the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) collaborated with industry and government to develop a tailored cyber security framework for the Australian energy sector – the Australian Energy Sector Cyber Security Framework (AESCSF).
The AESCSF is both a framework and an annual voluntary assessment program. The program covers Australia’s electricity, gas markets (since 2021) and liquid fuels sector (since 2022).
Participation in the AESCSF program enables participants to undertake assessments of their own cyber security capability and maturity. Participants can use the results to inform and prioritise investment to improve cyber security posture. Participation is voluntary.
Each participating organisation’s assessments are anonymised, and the aggregated results analysed to produce the annual Report into the cyber security preparedness of the Australian electricity, gas and liquids sector. The confidential report is provided to Energy Ministers to support the energy sector’s developing cyber maturity. The program provides valuable national energy cyber security capability and maturity insights to complement SoCI Act reforms.
2025 February Update
In July 2024 Energy Ministers confirmed their support for the continuation of the AESCSF program. Accordingly, planning for the FY25 AESCSF Program is now underway.
Note that in FY25, the AESCSF program dates will change from prior programs to align with reporting and attestation windows for related regulatory obligations. The planned timeline for the FY25 Program is as follows:
- Australian energy organisations will be invited to participate from mid-March 2025.
- The portal will be made available in March-April 2025 for 6-8 weeks.
- Benchmarking will be made available from late May
All provided dates are indicative in nature and subject to change.
The FY25 Program will allow organisations to self-assess and benchmark against AESCSF Version 2 and Version 2 Lite.
Version 1 and Version 1 Lite will not be included in this year’s online assessment. The offline toolkit and supporting materials for Version 1 and Version 1 Lite will continue to be available by visiting the AESCSF Framework and Resources page to perform self-assessments in support of cyber uplift programs, prioritisation of investment and Risk Management Plan (RMP) regulatory obligations under the SoCI Act.
AEMO acknowledges organisations can from a regulatory obligation perspective and will want to remain with uplifting their cyber maturity via Version 1 of the framework. The 2025 Program is intended to signal the changing risk landscape and the option to select Version 2 as a more robust organisational responses to those risks.
For further information on the AESCSF please contact the Project Team: