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Cancellation: Direction issued to: AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN
Cancellation: Direction issued to: AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN
Refer to Market Notice 120723
Direction is cancelled from: 1330 hrs 21/11/2024
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Cancellation: Direction issued to: AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN
Cancellation: Direction issued to: AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN
Refer to Market Notice 120722
Direction is cancelled from: 1330 hrs 21/11/2024
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Network Augmentation Commissioned - QLD Region - 21/11/2024
Network Augmentation Commissioned - QLD Region - 21/11/2024
Belmont No.2 275 kV 150 MVar reactor
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN
Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN
Refer AEMO Electricity Participant Notice 120680
The TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN direction is now expected to stay in place until 1500 hrs 21/11/2024.
The direction update is issued at 1630 hrs 20/11/2024.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN
Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN
Refer AEMO Electricity Participant Notice 120679
The TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN direction is now expected to stay in place until 1330 hrs 21/11/2024.
The direction update is issued at 1630 hrs 20/11/2024.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Project Energy Connect (PEC-1) testing 21st November 2024 0600-0900 for flows in both directions
Refer to market notice 120307
There is an opportunity for testing Project Energy Connect (PEC-1) for flows in both directions up to 50 MW on 21st November from 06:00hrs to 09:00hrs
This test includes includes a fast runback of Murraylink.
Please also refer to the published formal PEC Stage 1 and HIC capacity release testing information at the following link
Ben Blake
AEMO Operations
Request for Generator Recall Information for the period from 25/11/2024 to 26/11/2024 for NSW Region
Refer to AEMO Electricity Market Notice no. 120700, 120699 and 120698.
Please provide Generator Recall Information for the period from 25/11/2024 to 26/11/2024, by 1200 hrs on 21/11/2024 via the Generator Recall communication system, in accordance with clause 4.8.5A of the National Electricity Rules.
SO_OP_3719 Procedure for Submitting Generator Outage Recall Information is available at:
Procedure on how to use Generator Recall in the EMMS Markets Portal is available at
AEMO Operations
Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN
Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN
Refer AEMO Electricity Participant Notice 120625
The TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN direction is now expected to stay in place until 0400 hrs 21/11/2024.
The direction update is issued at 1700 hrs 19/11/2024.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN
Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN
Refer AEMO Electricity Participant Notice 120626
The TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN direction is now expected to stay in place until 0400 hrs 21/11/2024.
The direction update is issued at 1700 hrs 19/11/2024.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations