Market Notices

117066GENERAL NOTICE19/06/2024 12:14:34 PM

Planned outage of the Rowville - South Morang 500 kV line in the VIC region on 20/06/2024.


The Rowville - South Morang 500 kV line in the Victoria (VIC) region is planned to be out of service from 1400 hrs to 1630 hrs on 20/06/2024.

A credible contingency event during this planned outage could cause:
- A large reduction in generation in VIC; and/ or
- Restrict power transfer across the VIC - South Australia (SA) interconnector (Heywood interconnector).

Refer AEMO Network Outage Schedule (NOS) for further details.

AEMO Operations
117065RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY19/06/2024 07:24:55 AM

Cancellation of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Tumoulin - Woree No.877 275 kV line and Chalumbin - Turkinje No.7166 132 kV line in QLD1 due to Lightning.


Cancellation of reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits is no longer reasonably possible. There is no longer any lightning activity in the vicinity of the following lines. Accordingly its classification has reverted to a non-credible contingency event.

Region: QLD1

Lines: Tumoulin - Woree No.877 275 kV and Chalumbin - Turkinje No.7166 132 kV

Cancellation time: 19/06/2024 07:24

Constraint set(s) revoked:

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 117063

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
117064RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY19/06/2024 07:24:50 AM

Cancellation of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Chalumbin - Turkinje No.7165 132 kV line and Chalumbin - Turkinje No.7166 132 kV line in QLD1 due to Lightning.


Cancellation of reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits is no longer reasonably possible. There is no longer any lightning activity in the vicinity of the following lines. Accordingly its classification has reverted to a non-credible contingency event.

Region: QLD1

Lines: Chalumbin - Turkinje No.7165 132 kV and Chalumbin - Turkinje No.7166 132 kV

Cancellation time: 19/06/2024 07:24

Constraint set(s) revoked:

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 117062

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
117063RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY19/06/2024 06:20:35 AM

Reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Tumoulin - Woree No.877 275 kV line and Chalumbin - Turkinje No.7166 132 kV line in QLD1 due to Lightning.


Reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits to now be more likely and reasonably possible. Accordingly AEMO has reclassified it as a credible contingency event.

Region: QLD1

Lines: Tumoulin - Woree No.877 275 kV and Chalumbin - Turkinje No.7166 132 kV

Duration: 19/06/2024 06:20 until further notice

Constraint set(s) invoked:

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
117062RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY19/06/2024 06:20:36 AM

Reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Chalumbin - Turkinje No.7165 132 kV line and Chalumbin - Turkinje No.7166 132 kV line in QLD1 due to Lightning.


Reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits to now be more likely and reasonably possible. Accordingly AEMO has reclassified it as a credible contingency event.

Region: QLD1

Lines: Chalumbin - Turkinje No.7165 132 kV and Chalumbin - Turkinje No.7166 132 kV

Duration: 19/06/2024 06:20 until further notice

Constraint set(s) invoked:

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
117060GENERAL NOTICE18/06/2024 09:25:56 PM

QNI Minor testing (Qld to NSW) 19th June 2024


Refer to market notice 117027

There is an opportunity for testing QNI Minor for flows from Qld to NSW up to 1300 MW on Wednesday 19th June 2024 from 0700 to 1000hrs.

This test includes a trip and reclose of a line in northern NSW.

Please also refer to the published formal QNI minor testing information at the following link:

Ben Blake
AEMO Operations
117043RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY18/06/2024 10:20:15 AM

Update - Non-credible contingency event - VIC region - 18/06/2024


Update - Non-credible contingency event - VIC region - 18/06/2024

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 117042

The cause of this non credible contingency event is not known at this stage..
AEMO is not satisfied that this non credible event is unlikely to re-occur.
AEMO has therefore reclassified this event as a credible contingency event until further notice.

Region: VIC

Elements: Glenrowan No1 66kV Bus
Duration: 0903 hrs 18/06/2024 until further notice
Constraint set(s) invoked: Nil

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
117027GENERAL NOTICE17/06/2024 10:59:14 AM

QNI Minor testing (Qld to NSW) 17th June 2024


Refer to market notice 114742

There is an opportunity for testing QNI Minor for flows from Qld to NSW up to 1300 MW on Monday 17th June 2024 from 1200 to 1800hrs.

This test includes a trip and reclose of a line in northern NSW.

Please also refer to the published formal QNI minor testing information at the following link:

Ben Blake
AEMO Operations
117005PRICES UNCHANGED14/06/2024 02:46:56 PM

[EventId:202406141420_confirmed] Prices for interval 14-Jun-2024 14:20 are now confirmed


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1440 hrs on 14 June 2024

PRICES ARE NOW CONFIRMED for trading interval 14-Jun-2024 14:20.

In accordance with Market Notice 116992 AEMO has reviewed this trading interval and determined that:
- Manifestly Incorrect Inputs did not apply

Prices remain unchanged.

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
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