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Cancellation - Forecast Minimum System Load 1 (MSL1) condition in the VIC Region on 09/11/2024
Cancellation - Forecast MSL1 - VIC Region at 1400 hrs 06/11/2024.
Refer to Market Notice 119866 for Forecast MSL1.
AEMO Operations
Forecast Minimum System Load MSL1 condition in the VIC region on 10/11/2024
Update to Market Notice 119867 - AEMO has detected that there is an elevated risk of insufficient demand to maintain a secure operating state in the VIC region on 10/11/2024.
Minimum System Load (MSL) conditions are forecast when regional demand is less than the relevant MSL threshold. The advisory MSL thresholds are:
o MSL1 - 1760 MW
o MSL2 - 1260 MW
o MSL3 - 760 MW
The regional demand is forecast to be below the MSL1 threshold for the following period:
From 1000 hrs to 1430 hrs 10/11/2024. Minimum regional demand is forecast to be 1349 MW at 1300 hrs.
Forecast regional demand (DEMAND50) is published in Short Term and Pre-Dispatch PASA region solution reports available on Market Data NEMWEB: .
AEMO Operations
Cancellation - Forecast Minimum System Load MSL1 condition in the VIC Region on 05/11/2024
Cancellation - Forecast Minimum System Load MSL1 condition in the VIC Region from 1200 hrs 05/11/2024.
Refer to Market Notice 119863.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Cancellation - Forecast Minimum System Load 2 (MSL2) in the VIC Region on 10/11/2024
Cancellation - Forecast MSL2, VIC Region at 0700 hrs 05/11/2024.
Refer to Market Notice 119852 for Forecast MSL2.
AEMO Operations
Forecast Minimum System Load (MSL1) condition in the VIC region on 10/11/2024
AEMO has detected that there is an elevated risk of insufficient demand to maintain a secure operating state in the VIC region on 10/11/2024.
Minimum System Load (MSL) conditions are forecast when regional demand is less than the relevant MSL threshold. The advisory MSL thresholds are:
- MSL1 - 1735 MW
- MSL2 - 1235 MW
- MSL3 - 735 MW
The regional demand is forecast to be below the MSL1 threshold for the following period:
1. From 0930 hrs to 1230 hrs 10/11/2024. Minimum regional demand is forecast to be 1262 MW at 1230 hrs.
2. From 1300 hrs to 1500 hrs 10/11/2024. Minimum regional demand is forecast to be 1249 MW at 1330 hrs.
Forecast regional demand (DEMAND50) is published in Short Term and Pre-Dispatch PASA region solution reports available on Market Data NEMWEB: .
AEMO is seeking a market response.
AEMO Operations
Forecast Minimum System Load (MSL1) condition in the VIC region on 09/11/2024
AEMO has detected that there is an elevated risk of insufficient demand to maintain a secure operating state in the VIC region on 09/11/2024.
Minimum System Load (MSL) conditions are forecast when regional demand is less than the relevant MSL threshold. The advisory MSL thresholds are:
- MSL1 - 1745 MW
- MSL2 - 1245 MW
- MSL3 - 745 MW
The regional demand is forecast to be below the MSL1 threshold for the following period:
1. From 1100 hrs to 1400 hrs 09/11/2024. Minimum regional demand is forecast to be 1488 MW at 1300 hrs.
Forecast regional demand (DEMAND50) is published in Short Term and Pre-Dispatch PASA region solution reports available on Market Data NEMWEB: .
AEMO is seeking a market response.
AEMO Operations
Forecast Minimum System Load MSL2 condition in the VIC region on 10/11/2024
AEMO has detected that there is an elevated risk of insufficient demand to maintain a secure operating state in the VIC region on 10/11/2024.
Minimum System Load (MSL) conditions are forecast when regional demand is less than the relevant MSL threshold. The advisory MSL thresholds are:
- MSL1 = 1760 MW
- MSL2 = 1260 MW
- MSL3 = 760 MW
The regional demand is forecast to be below the MSL2 threshold for the following period:
From 1230 hrs 10/11/2024 to 1330 hrs 10/11/2024. Minimum regional demand is forecast to be 1236 MW at 1300 hrs.
Forecast regional demand (DEMAND50) is published in Short Term and Pre-Dispatch PASA region solution reports available on Market Data NEMWEB:
AEMO is seeking a market response.
AEMO Operations
CHG0099569 | Production | Maintenance on Gas B2B Hub databases
Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Initial
Change Type: Normal
Service/ Component: Gas Hub
Change Title: Maintenance on Gas B2B Hub databases
Change Start Date & Time: 17/11/2024 10:00:00 AEST
Change End Date & Time: 17/11/2024 10:30:00 AEST
Outage Start Date & Time:
Outage End Date & Time:
Environment: Production
Participant Impact and Requirements: The following impacts are expected during this maintenance:
- Brief 5 to 10 seconds loss of connectivity to the Gas B2B Hub and all ebXML gateways (AEMOMIBB, AGNLGWY, LVI & VENCORP) during the outage window.
- Users are not required to take any action due to this change.
Support Information:
Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or call 1300 236 600.
Please refer to for any
planned/unplanned maintenance activities .
Cancellation - MSL1- VIC Region 03/11/2024.
Cancellation - MSL1- VIC Region at 1330 hrs 03/11/2024.
Refer to Market Notice 119760 for MSL1.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations