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[EventId:202502140905_NRM_VIC1_SA1_started] NEGRES CONSTRAINT NRM_VIC1_SA1 started operating from 14 February 2025 09:05
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 0905 hrs on 14 February 2025
Electricity Market outcomes have resulted in the accumulation of negative settlement residues that have exceeded the allowable negative residue threshold for the VIC to SA directional interconnector.
The negative residue constraint set NRM_VIC1_SA1 commenced operating from 0905 hrs on 14 February 2025.
This constraint set contains an equation with the following interconnectors on the LHS:
The RHS of the constraint equation may be adjusted to manage residues.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Greenbank 275kV SVC - QLD region - 13/02/2025
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Greenbank 275kV SVC - QLD region - 13/02/2025
At 1738 hrs 13/02/2025 there was an unplanned outage of the Greenbank 275kV SVC.
The following constraint set(s) invoked at 1745 hrs 13/02/2025
This constraint set(s) contains equations with the following interconnectors on the LHS.
Refer to the AEMO Network Outage Scheduler for further information.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Directlink- NSW region - 13/02/2025
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - No.2 Leg of Directlink - NSW region - 13/02/2025
A planned outage of the No.2 Leg of Directlink in the NSW region was scheduled from 1517 hrs 30/01/2025 to 1700 hrs 20/02/2025.
The outage has been completed and the No.2 Leg of Directlink returned to service at 1312 hrs 13/02/2025
Constraint set(s) revoked: N-X_MBTE_2
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
PDPASA - Update of the suspect Lack Of Reserve Level 2 (LOR2) condition in the QLD Region on 13/02/2025
The suspect LOR2 condition advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 124585 has been reviewed.
AEMO considers this forecast LOR2 condition invalid
No LOR2 condition is currently forecast for the QLD region.
Manager NEM Real Time Operation
PDPASA - Suspect Lack Of Reserve Level 2 (LOR2) in the QLD Region on 13/02/2025
AEMO considers that there is a suspect Forecast LOR2 condition for the QLD region for the following period[s]:
[1.] From 1830 hrs 13/02/2025 to 1930 hrs 13/02/2025.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 639 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 480 MW.
AEMO is currently investigating this LOR2 forecast condition to confirm whether they are valid.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Cancellation of Actual (LOR2) condition in the SA region - 12/02/2025
Cancellation of Actual (LOR2) condition in the SA region - 12/02/2025
The Actual LOR2 Condition in the SA Region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No.124573 is cancelled at 1940 hrs 12/02/2025.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Actual Lack Of Reserve Level 2 (LOR2) in the SA region - 12/02/2025
Actual Lack Of Reserve Level 2 (LOR2) in the SA region - 12/02/2025
An Actual LOR2 condition has been declared under clause 4.8.4(b) of the National Electricity Rules for the SA region from 1900 hrs.
The Actual LOR2 condition is forecast to exist until 1930 hrs
The capacity reserve required is 245 MW
The minimum reserve available is 107 MW
AEMO is seeking an immediate market response.
An insufficient market response may require AEMO to implement a AEMO intervention event.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Armidale No 1 SVC- NSW region - 11/02/2025
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Armidale No 1 SVC - NSW region - 11/02/2025
At 2315 hrs 11/02/2025 there was an unplanned outage of Armidale No 1 SVC.
The following constraint set(s) invoked at 2325 hrs 11/02/2025
This constraint set(s) contains equations with the following interconnectors on the LHS.
Refer to the AEMO Network Outage Scheduler for further information.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Yass Overload Control Scheme - NSW region - 11/02/2025
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Yass Overload Control Scheme - NSW region - 11/02/2025
At 1750 hrs 11/02/2025 there was a short notice outage of Yass Overload Control Scheme.
The following constraint set(s) invoked at 1750 hrs: N-YSWG_SCHEME
This constraint set(s) contains equations with the following interconnectors on the LHS,
Refer to the AEMO Network Outage Scheduler for further information.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations