Market Notices

125574RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY12/03/2025 05:29:30 PM

Cancellation of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Ross - Tully South - Woree No.8905 275 kV line line and Cardwell - Tully No.7389 132kV line line in QLD1 due to Lightning.


Cancellation of reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits is no longer reasonably possible. There is no longer any lightning activity in the vicinity of the following lines. Accordingly its classification has reverted to a non-credible contingency event.

Region: QLD1

Lines: Ross - Tully South - Woree No.8905 275 kV line and Cardwell - Tully No.7389 132kV line

Cancellation time: 12/03/2025 17:29

Constraint set(s) revoked:

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 125572

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
125573RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY12/03/2025 04:54:30 PM

Cancellation of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Lindisfarne - Mornington No.1 TEE line and Lindisfarne - Mornington No.2 TEE line in TAS1 due to Lightning.


Cancellation of reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits is no longer reasonably possible. There is no longer any lightning activity in the vicinity of the following lines. Accordingly its classification has reverted to a non-credible contingency event.

Region: TAS1

Lines: Lindisfarne - Mornington No.1 TEE and Lindisfarne - Mornington No.2 TEE

Cancellation time: 12/03/2025 16:54

Constraint set(s) revoked:

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 125559

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
125572RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY12/03/2025 04:27:01 PM

Reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Ross - Tully South - Woree No.8905 275 kV line line and Cardwell - Tully No.7389 132kV line line in QLD1 due to Lightning.


Reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits to now be more likely and reasonably possible. Accordingly AEMO has reclassified it as a credible contingency event.

Region: QLD1

Lines: Ross - Tully South - Woree No.8905 275 kV line and Cardwell - Tully No.7389 132kV line

Duration: 12/03/2025 16:26 until further notice

Constraint set(s) invoked:

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
125571RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY12/03/2025 04:19:01 PM

Cancellation of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Eildon PS - Mt Beauty No.1 220 kV line and Eildon PS - Mt Beauty No.2 220 kV line in VIC1 due to Lightning.


Cancellation of reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits is no longer reasonably possible. There is no longer any lightning activity in the vicinity of the following lines. Accordingly its classification has reverted to a non-credible contingency event.

Region: VIC1

Lines: Eildon PS - Mt Beauty No.1 220 kV and Eildon PS - Mt Beauty No.2 220 kV

Cancellation time: 12/03/2025 16:18

Constraint set(s) revoked:

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 125562

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
125570MARKET SYSTEMS12/03/2025 03:23:40 PM

CHG0101876 - Pre-Prod eMDM Hotfix Maintenance Release

Change Number: CHG0101876

Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Completed
Change Type: Normal
Service/Component: MDM - Meter Data Management_PreProd
Change Title: Pre-Prod eMDM Hotfix Maintenance Release

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
125569RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY12/03/2025 03:04:01 PM

Cancellation of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Farrell-John Butters line and Farrell-Rosebery-Newton-Queenstown line in TAS1 due to Lightning.


Cancellation of reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits is no longer reasonably possible. There is no longer any lightning activity in the vicinity of the following lines. Accordingly its classification has reverted to a non-credible contingency event.

Region: TAS1

Lines: Farrell-John Butters and Farrell-Rosebery-Newton-Queenstown

Cancellation time: 12/03/2025 15:03

Constraint set(s) revoked:

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 125544

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
125568POWER SYSTEM EVENTS12/03/2025 03:00:00 PM

Update - Non-credible contingency event - TAS region - 12/03/2025


Update - Non-credible contingency event - TAS region - 12/03/2025

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 125564

The cause of this non credible contingency event is not known at this stage.
AEMO is not satisfied that this non credible event is unlikely to re-occur.
AEMO has therefore reclassified this event as a credible contingency event until further notice.

Region: TAS

Elements: Ulverstone - Emu Bay 110kV Line and the Ulverstone - Sheffield tee Paloona 110kV Line
Duration: 1500 hrs 12/03/2025 until further notice
Constraint set(s) invoked: Nil

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
125567MARKET SYSTEMS12/03/2025 02:53:03 PM

CHG0101704 - As part of the Platform Services Patching Program, webMethods Inactive Production Application Servers in Brisban

Change Number: CHG0101704

Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Completed
Change Type: Normal
Service/Component: MSATS - Business to Business data exchange
Change Title: As part of the Platform Services Patching Program, webMethods Inactive Production Application Servers in Brisbane will have critical security patches applied.

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
125566POWER SYSTEM EVENTS12/03/2025 02:58:09 PM

Update - Non-credible contingency event - TAS region - 12/03/2025


Update - Non-credible contingency event - TAS region - 12/03/2025

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 125556

The cause of this non credible contingency event is not known at this stage.
AEMO is not satisfied that this non credible event is unlikely to re-occur.
AEMO has therefore reclassified this event as a credible contingency event until further notice.

Region: TAS

Elements: Sheffield - Burnie No. 1 220kV Line, Sheffield - Burnie No. 2 110kV Line and the Ulverstone - Emu Bay 110kV Line
Duration: 1400 hrs 12/03/2025 until further notice
Constraint set(s) invoked: Nil

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
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