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[EventId:202503021535_NRM_VIC1_SA1_started] NEGRES CONSTRAINT NRM_VIC1_SA1 started operating from 02 March 2025 15:35
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1535 hrs on 2 March 2025
Electricity Market outcomes have resulted in the accumulation of negative settlement residues that have exceeded the allowable negative residue threshold for the VIC to SA directional interconnector.
The negative residue constraint set NRM_VIC1_SA1 commenced operating from 1535 hrs on 2 March 2025.
This constraint set contains an equation with the following interconnectors on the LHS:
The RHS of the constraint equation may be adjusted to manage residues.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
Cancellation of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Eildon PS - Mt Beauty No.1 220 kV line and Eildon PS - Mt Beauty No.2 220 kV line in VIC1 due to Lightning.
Cancellation of reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits is no longer reasonably possible. There is no longer any lightning activity in the vicinity of the following lines. Accordingly its classification has reverted to a non-credible contingency event.
Region: VIC1
Lines: Eildon PS - Mt Beauty No.1 220 kV and Eildon PS - Mt Beauty No.2 220 kV
Cancellation time: 02/03/2025 15:28
Constraint set(s) revoked:
Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 125209
Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Eildon PS - Mt Beauty No.1 220 kV line and Eildon PS - Mt Beauty No.2 220 kV line in VIC1 due to Lightning.
Reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits to now be more likely and reasonably possible. Accordingly AEMO has reclassified it as a credible contingency event.
Region: VIC1
Lines: Eildon PS - Mt Beauty No.1 220 kV and Eildon PS - Mt Beauty No.2 220 kV
Duration: 02/03/2025 14:25 until further notice
Constraint set(s) invoked:
Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
[EventId:202503021305_review] Prices for interval 02-Mar-2025 13:05 are subject to review
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1300 hrs on 2 March 2025
PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 02-Mar-2025 13:05.
AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
[EventId:202503021300_review] Prices for interval 02-Mar-2025 13:00 are subject to review
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1255 hrs on 2 March 2025
PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 02-Mar-2025 13:00.
AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
[EventId:202503021255_review] Prices for interval 02-Mar-2025 12:55 are subject to review
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1250 hrs on 2 March 2025
PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 02-Mar-2025 12:55.
AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
[EventId:202503021250_review] Prices for interval 02-Mar-2025 12:50 are subject to review
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1245 hrs on 2 March 2025
PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 02-Mar-2025 12:50.
AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
[EventId:202503021245_review] Prices for interval 02-Mar-2025 12:45 are subject to review
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1240 hrs on 2 March 2025
PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 02-Mar-2025 12:45.
AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
[EventId:202503021240_review] Prices for interval 02-Mar-2025 12:40 are subject to review
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1235 hrs on 2 March 2025
PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 02-Mar-2025 12:40.
AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.