Transgrid has published the Project Assessment Conclusions Report (PACR) for maintaining compliance with performance standards applicable to Regentville substation secondary systems. The PACR is the final step in the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) process and follows the Project Specification Consultation Report (PSCR) published in May 2024.
Regentville substation is a customer connection point supplying Endeavour Energy’s 132 kV network in an area which contains the Nepean Hospital and Richmond Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Air Base. The site will remain a connection point to Endeavour Energy into the foreseeable future as outlined in the load forecasts of the 2024 Transmission Annual Planning Report.
Secondary systems assets at Regentville substation are facing technological obsolescence, increasing the time to rectify defects and increasing the risk that primary assets at the substation may not be able to reliably operate. Reactive replacement of failed secondary systems components is not sustainable and impacts our ability to meet the requirements of the National Electricity Rules (NER).
Transgrid published a Project Specification Consultation Report (PSCR) for maintaining compliance with performance standards applicable to Regentville substation secondary systems in May 2024. In the PSCR Transgrid presented two credible network options that would meet the identified need from a technical, commercial, and project delivery perspective.
No submissions were received in response to the PSCR during the consultation period which closed in August 2024 and no additional credible options have been identified.
The assessment in this PACR finds that Option 2 (complete in-situ replacement of all secondary systems at the site) is the preferred option to meet the identified need.
In accordance with the requirements of the National Electricity Rules, a summary of the PACR is made available on the AEMO website. A copy of the PACR can be obtained from Transgrid’s website or by emailing