Transgrid has recently published a Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) for meeting demand growth in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis ‘Priority Growth Area’. This PSCR has been prepared in conjunction with Endeavour Energy (as the relevant distribution network service provider). This Report offers an opportunity for consultation on these updates prior to the final step of the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) process, the Project Assessment Conclusions Report (PACR).
Transgrid and Endeavour Energy have determined that expected demand increases sourced from Aerotropolis precinct developments will result in power flows exceeding the capacity of the Macarthur 132 kV transmission Bulk Supply Point (BSP) from 2026/27 under system normal conditions. This will require load shedding under both system normal and contingency conditions at the Macarthur 132 kV BSP after Endeavour Energy completes the first phase of its current supply network upgrades in the area.
Transgrid and Endeavour Energy have identified an opportunity to improve network supply capacity to the Aerotropolis precinct. This will provide significant net market benefits to participants in the National Electricity Market (NEM) by eliminating the need for load shedding. Consequently, this RIT-T is considered to be a ‘market benefits’ driven RIT-T (i.e., as opposed to a ‘reliability corrective action’).
The PADR presents two feasible options that, from a technical, commercial, and project delivery perspective, can be implemented in sufficient time to meet the identified need. Option 1 is centred on the introduction of a new BSP next to the Kemps Creek substation. Option 2 is focused on the introduction of a new Airport South BSP supplied from cut-in to line 39.
Option 1 is currently forecast to have a total capital cost of $133.8m ($2023-24). Option 2 is forecast to have a total capital cost of $257.7m ($2023-24). The optimal commercially and technically feasible option presented in this PADR – Option 1 (New BSP next to the Kemps Creek substation) - is the preferred option to meet the identified need at this stage of the RIT-T.
Transgrid and Endeavour Energy welcome written submissions on materials contained in this PADR. Submissions are due on 24th of April 2025.
In accordance with the requirements of the Rules, a summary of the PADR is made available on the AEMO website. A copy of the PADR can be obtained from Transgrid’s website, Endeavour Energy’s website, or by emailing