Consultation on PoLR Procedures and WDRM Policy

Market National Electricity Market
StageDiscussion Paper
ConvenorAEMO NEM
Accepting submissions?No

Matters under consultation

AEMO has consulted with industry on proposed changes to:

  • Procurer of Last Resort (PoLR) Cost Procedures (PoLR Procedures); and
  • Wholesale Demand Response Mechanism (WDRM) Baseline Eligibility and Compliance Policy (WDRM Policy)

in accordance with:

  • National Electricity Amendment (Integrating energy storage systems into the NEM) Rule 2021 No. 13 (IESS Rule).
  • National Electricity Amendment (Removal of unaccounted for energy from liable load in the Retailer Reliability Obligation) Rule 2021 No. 16 (RRO UFE Rule).

In summary, the proposed changes are:

  • Changes in terminology to give effect to the IESS Rule
  • Changes in terminology to give effect to the RRO UFE Rule
  • Removal of references to 30-minute trading intervals that are no longer relevant.

AEMO has published two versions of the POLR Cost Procedure on this consultation page  

  1. implementing the UFE Rule to be effective from 12 December 2022  
  2. implementing the IESS Rule will be effective from 3 June 2024.

Consultation process

AEMO invited stakeholders to:

  • provide feedback and comments on this Information Paper, as well as the accompanying change-marked version of the PoLR Procedures and WDRM Policy; and
  • identify any unintended adverse consequences of the changes.

AEMO did not receive any submissions to this consultation and it is now completed.  

Further information

For more information, please contact

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