Powerlink PSCR: Managing voltages in South East Queensland

Market Network Service Provider
StageProject Specification Consultation Report
ConvenorAEMO NSP
Accepting submissions?No
Submissions close29/10/2021

Powerlink has recently published a ‘Project Specification Consultation Report’ (PSCR) “Managing voltages in South East Queensland”.

The uptake of rooftop solar systems within Queensland has been one of the highest per capita rates in the world, with over 700,000 installed rooftop PV systems totalling an aggregate state-wide capacity of more than 3,300MW. While the cumulative effect of small-scale renewable energy has reduced average demand and energy consumption, power produced by embedded solar installations has also significantly reduced the minimum demand profile during daylight hours.

The combination of a declining minimum demand during the day, increasing capacitive nature of the load and the loss of system capacity to absorb reactive power, has created a growing reactive power surplus in both the distribution and transmission networks, particularly during low demand periods. This has resulted in an increased voltage profile and a growing potential for sustained over-voltage events.

Over-voltage events can result in equipment damage, loss of supply and safety issues. The Rules specify allowable over-voltage limits and require Powerlink to take action to ensure these limits are not exceeded in order to maintain the power system in a secure state. 

The proposed preferred option that is considered to satisfy the RIT-T involves the installation of reactors at Woolooga, Blackstone and Belmont Substations by 2025. Powerlink is the proponent of this network option.

The indicative capital cost of the RIT T project for the preferred option is $29.61 million in 2020/21 prices.

In accordance with the requirements of the Rules, a summary of the PSCR is made available on the AEMO website. A copy of the ‘Project Specification Consultation Report’ can be obtained from the Powerlink website on the RIT-T Consultations page or by emailing networkassessments@powerlink.com.au

Submissions on the PSCR are required by the closing date of 29 October 2021.

Any enquiries in the first instance should be directed to:

Roger Smith
Manager Network and Alternate Solutions
Powerlink Queensland
PO Box 1193

Tel: (+617) 3860 2328

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