Project Summer - Draft Report

Market Network Service Provider
StageDraft Report
ConvenorAEMO NSP
Accepting submissions?Yes
Submissions close05/08/2024

Summerfield Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) (the Project) is an important initiative in the context of the energy transition in South Australia. The Project is being undertaken by Copenhagen Infrastructure V SCSp (CI V) and involves the connection of a new BESS to ElectraNet’s transmission network.

The Project will provide a total capacity of 240 MW, split into two 120 MW, 240 MWh connections at Tepko, South Australia which is approximately 60km east of Adelaide. The Project is strategically positioned adjacent to ElectraNet’s proposed 275 kV South East transmission line expansion between Tungkillo and Tailem Bend substations, which will facilitate the connection of new renewable generation from the South East Renewable Energy Zone (REZ).

ElectraNet’s Project Summer is proposed to support the connection of the Project to ElectraNet’s transmission network. This includes augmenting the transmission network as follows:

  • populating a diameter at Tungkillo substation, and
  • stringing the vacant side of the 275 kV towers between Tungkillo and the BESS site.

ElectraNet has also been engaged by CI V to undertake both the non-contestable and contestable identified user shared asset (IUSA) work at Tepko to facilitate two 275 kV exits for each of the two BESS connections.

In accordance with this requirement, ElectraNet published a Notice and consultation paper on 4 April 2024, which provided the above information to Registered Participants and AEMO and invited written submissions by 8 May 2024. ElectraNet did not receive any written submissions.

This Draft Report is the next stage of the consultation process in accordance with the requirements of clause 5.18 and the consultation procedures in clause 8.9 of the NER.

Submissions on any matters in this Draft Report should be emailed to:

The closing date for submission is close of business Monday 5 August 2024.

Submissions will be published unless a proponent marks their submission (or part of it) as confidential at the time of the submission.

Paper Date
Publication of Notice (Consultation paper)
4 April 2024
Closing date for submissions (closed)
8 May 2024
Draft Report 5 July 2024
Closing date for submissions on draft report 5 August 2024
Final Report August 2024

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