Industry Testing Forum (ITF)

MarketWA Meetings

The Industry Testing Forum (ITF) is designed to support Rule Participants who interface with AEMO’s IT systems.


  • To enable engagement between AEMO, Market Participants and Western Power on matters relating to IT systems (here referring primarily to user interfaces, APIs and other data publishing services) provided by AEMO to support the operation of the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM).

  • To showcase to Market Participants and Western Power new or modified systems to assist them to understand and prepare for the changes.

  • To consult with Market Participants and Western Power, where appropriate, on the technical design and implementation of proposed changes to IT systems.

  • To provide all participants in the forum the opportunity to raise and address issues relating to IT systems in the WEM.


ITF meetings will: 

  • be scheduled monthly (or more frequently if required) 
  • usually be scheduled for either Thursday or Friday from 10am to 11am, Western Australian local time 
  • be held via Microsoft Teams. 

A meeting invitation will be circulated to all nominated attendees ahead of time. Anyone wishing to attend the meetings can request to be added to the ITF distributions list by completing the ITF registration form.

Meeting materials

ITF meeting materials are published on the Reformer SharePoint site. If you don’t currently have access to the Reformer, you can request access by emailing AEMO at Access to the Reformer is restricted to registered external users.

For further information

Please direct any queries regarding the ITF to

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