System Restart

System Restart – what is it?

AEMO operates the SWIS to cater for a range of likely conditions and Credible Contingency Events. The SWIS is operated such that when these events occur, the power system remains stable and operating within relevant limits. In addition, there are back-up arrangements, such as Under-Frequency Load Shedding, that help to mitigate against unexpected or unlikely events.

However, in extreme operating conditions when multiple unexpected Contingency Events occur (e.g., as a result of an extreme weather event such as a major bushfire or storm), this can potentially result in a shutdown of the power system. When this occurs AEMO needs to be able to “Restart” the SWIS.

Generators typically require supply from the SWIS in order to start-up or synchronise. Therefore, to be able to “Restart” the SWIS, AEMO needs access to generators with the capability to start-up without supply from the SWIS. These are known as System Restart Services.

System Restart Standard

The System Restart Standard describes the technical matters AEMO considers in developing the System Restart Plan and procuring System Restart Services. The System Restart Standard also includes the technical requirements that a Facility must demonstrate in order to provide a System Restart Service, as well as guidelines and other considerations AEMO will follow when procuring System Restart Services.

AEMO must determine the System Restart Standard (Standard) in accordance with clause 3.7.2 of the WEM Rules. 

The System Restart Standard can be accessed below:

Local Black Start Procedures Guideline

AEMO requires information from Participants to help understand the limitations and processes required to re-establish their Facilities following a system shutdown. These processes are known as Local Black Start Procedures.

The Local Black Start Procedures are used as an input, alongside the System Restart Standard, to develop the System Restart Plan.

Participants are required to develop Local Black Start Procedures for each of their Facilities, however AEMO may exempt a particular Facility from developing a Local Black Start Procedure.

AEMO publishes guidelines on how to complete a Local Black Start Procedure. The guidelines for preparing a Local Black Start Procedure can be accessed below:

System Restart Plan

AEMO also develops a System Restart Plan to support both restarting the SWIS and restoring supply. The System Restart Plan considers the requirements of the System Restart Standard, as well as different potential failure modes and possible system restart pathways. AEMO works closely with Network Operators in the SWIS in development of the System Restart Plan and may provide Local Black Start Procedures to Network Operators to support the development of the System Restart Plan.

While the System Restart Plan is confidential, AEMO may provide elements or details of the plan to potential System Restart Service providers to support the procurement process.

Standard Form Contract

AEMO must develop, maintain and publish a standard form contract for the provision of a System Restart Service in accordance with clause 3.7.30 of the WEM Rules. The standard form contract is used to support Participants seeking to become System Restart Service Providers and is used as the starting point for the procurement process. 

The standard form contract is currently being developed and will be published below following consultation.

System Restart Service Procurement

Future System Restart Service procurement process will be outlined below.

 Process Stage  Date


For more information on System Restart Services, please contact:

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