The Reserve Capacity Mechanism (RCM) ensures the SWIS has sufficient generation and demand side management capacity available to meet peak demand and limit expected energy shortfalls. AEMO is responsible for assessing the capability of Facilities to provide capacity. The primary objective of the Reserve Capacity Mechanism reform was to assess the capacity contribution of Facilities in a constrained market context and allow new technologies, including energy storage, to fully participate.
This project spanned multiple years, broken down into three phases aligned to the 2021 and 2022 Reserve Capacity Cycles as follows:
- Phase 1 (2021): included changes to the Registration framework and participation of Electric Storage Resources. Changes were required to the CRC application Page and Trade Declaration Tab of the RCM Portal. This phase affected the 2021 Reserve Capacity Cycle.
- Phase 2 (2022): included the introduction of the Network Access Quantities Framework for the 2022 Reserve Capacity Cycle.
- Phase 3 (2023): included changes to Reserve Capacity Testing and Reserve Capacity Obligation Quantities to reflect the introduction of components in the 2021 Reserve Capacity Cycle.