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Direction - SA region to AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN
Direction - SA region to AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN
Refer to Market Notice 125666
In accordance with section 116 of the National Electricity Law, AEMO is issuing a direction to AGL SA Generation Pty Limited. For the purposes of the National Electricity Rules this is a direction under clause 4.8.9(a1)(1).
Direction issued to: AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN at 1700 hrs 15/03/2025
Type of resource: generating unit
Required actions: Remain synchronised and follow dispatch targets at 0130 hrs 16/03/2025
Services provided: Voltage Control
Circumstances necessitating the Direction: Voltage
Circumstances necessitating the Direction additional detail: The synchronous generating units currently expected to be synchronised in SA will be inadequate to maintain sufficient Voltage Control in SA. Intervention is required to maintain the power system in a secure operating state
Expected duration: 0400 hrs 17/03/2025
AGL SA Generation Pty Limited does not incur any civil monetary liability for a relevant action taken in accordance with this direction unless the action is taken in bad faith.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Update - Foreseeable AEMO intervention in SA region
Update - Foreseeable AEMO intervention in SA region
Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 125664
AEMO has identified a foreseeable circumstance that may require an AEMO intervention event in the SA region from 0130 hrs 16/03/2025.
The foreseeable circumstance requiring the need for intervention is Voltage.
AEMO estimates that, in the absence of sufficient market response by 1600 hrs 15/03/2025, AEMO may need to intervene by issuing a direction.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Foreseeable AEMO intervention under clause 4.8.5A (a) of the NER in SA region
Foreseeable AEMO intervention under clause 4.8.5A (a) of the NER in SA region
AEMO has identified a foreseeable circumstance that may require an AEMO intervention event in the SA region from 0130 hrs 16/03/2025.
The foreseeable circumstance requiring the need for intervention is Voltage.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Update - AEMO market notice 125439 was published in error: AP STARTED for ENERGY in SA1 at 09 March 2025 17:55
Refer market notice 125439 and 125440
AEMO confirms that market notice 125439 was published in error.
An ADMINISTERED PRICE PERIOD has NOT been triggered in SA1 region.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
AEMO market notice 125439 was published in error: AP STARTED for ENERGY in SA1 at 09 March 2025 17:55
Refer market notice 125439
AEMO believes market notice 125439 was published in error.
We believe an ADMINISTERED PRICE PERIOD has NOT been triggered in SA1 region.
AEMO is currently reviewing the event and will update the market as soon as possible.
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1820 hrs on 09 March 2025
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
[EventId:204] AP STARTED for ENERGY in SA1 at 09 March 2025 17:55
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1755 hrs on 09 March 2025
AEMO has determined that the rolling sum of the uncapped spot prices for the SA1 region over the previous 2016 trading intervals has exceeded the cumulative price threshold (CPT) of $1,573,700.00.
In accordance with Clause 3.14.2(b) of the National Electricity Rules, AEMO has determined that an administered price period will commence at the trading interval starting 1805 hrs on 09 March 2025 and will continue through to the end of that trading day.
An administered price cap (APC) of 600 $/MWh will apply to all trading intervals during this administered price period. This APC will apply to spot prices and to all market ancillary service prices in the SA1 region.
An administered floor price (AFP) of -600 $/MWh will apply to spot prices.
AEMO will continue to monitor the rolling sum of the uncapped spot prices and issue further Market Notices as required.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
Cancellation - AEMO Intervention Event - SA region 08/03/2025
Cancellation - AEMO Intervention Event - SA region 08/03/2025
Refer to Market Notice 125396
The AEMO Intervention Event and all associated directions are cancelled from 1330 hrs on 09/03/2025.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Cancellation: Direction issued to: Pelican Point Power Limited - PPCCGT PELICAN POINT
Cancellation: Direction issued to: Pelican Point Power Limited - PPCCGT PELICAN POINT
Refer to Market Notice 125398
Direction is cancelled from: 1330 hrs 09/03/2025
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Direction - SA region to Pelican Point Power Limited - PPCCGT PELICAN POINT
Direction - SA region to Pelican Point Power Limited - PPCCGT PELICAN POINT
Refer to Market Notice 125396.
In accordance with section 116 of the National Electricity Law, AEMO is issuing a direction to Pelican Point Power Limited. For the purposes of the National Electricity Rules this is a direction under clause 4.8.9(a1)(1).
Direction issued to: Pelican Point Power Limited - PPCCGT PELICAN POINT at 1600 hrs 08/03/2025
Type of resource: generating unit
Required actions: Remain synchronised and follow dispatch targets at 0400 hrs 09/03/2025
Services provided: Voltage Control
Circumstances necessitating the Direction: Voltage
Circumstances necessitating the Direction additional detail: The synchronous generating units currently expected to be synchronised in SA will be inadequate to maintain sufficient Voltage Control in SA. Intervention is required to maintain the power system in a secure operating state
Expected duration: 1330 hrs 09/03/2025.
Pelican Point Power Limited does not incur any civil monetary liability for a relevant action taken in accordance with this direction unless the action is taken in bad faith.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations