The Energy Security Board (ESB) was established in August 2017 by the COAG Energy Council to coordinate the implementation of the reform blueprint produced by Australia's Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel AO.
The ESB also provides whole-of-system oversight for energy security and reliability to drive better outcomes for consumers.
Dr Kerry Schott AO holds the position of Independent Chair, with Clare Savage Deputy Chair.
Dr Schott brings a depth of public and private sector experience to the role of Independent Chair. Through her role as chair of Transgrid, which she will be stepping down from, and on the governing boards of Infrastructure Australia, CEDA, NBNCo and Moorebank Intermodal Co, Dr Schott's expertise on economic, energy and infrastructure matters will drive optimal outcomes for Australia's energy markets.
Ms Savage is the Executive Director Policy, Energy and Climate Change of the Business Council of Australia, and has focussed on integrating energy and climate policies for Australian businesses. Her work on electricity and gas market design, network pricing and retail market regulation, alongside governance, climate change and renewables policy development has been informed by senior positions in EnergyAustralia, Energy Supply Association of Australian and the Australian Government’s Department of the Treasury.
The establishment of the ESB was agreed at the Energy Council meeting on 14 July 2017 and comprises an Independent Chair, Independent Deputy Chair and the heads of the Australian Energy Market Commission, Australian Energy Regulator and Australian Energy Market Operator.