Requests for expressions of interest for Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT) panel

2 min

AEMO is seeking expressions of interest for RERT Panel members in eastern and southern Australia who may be able to provide reserve energy on short and medium notice as part of a RERT panel

The Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT) is a function available to AEMO to maintain power system reliability and system security using reserve contracts. It is termed ‘off-market’ as the generation or demand response sits outside the wholesale electricity market. Through the RERT, participants may be contracted by AEMO to either use less energy or generate power from their own generators. Aggregators may also be contracted to procure demand response from electricity users.

AEMO is empowered to take action to ensure reliability of supply and, where practicable, take all reasonable actions to maintain power system security in the National Electricity Market (NEM) by entering into reserve contracts.

Consistent with the Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT) provisions of the National Electricity Rules, AEMO is seeking expressions of interest from entities in Queensland, New South Wales (which for the purposes of the Rules includes the Australian Capital Territory), Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania to join the RERT panel. AEMO may call on panel members to tender for the provision of reserves on short or medium notice.

Suitable reserves are generation assets (such as standby diesels) or load reduction in excess of that normally available to the NEM.

For more information and to lodge an Expression of Interest visit our website or call AEMO’s Information and Support Hub on 1300 236 600. This Expression of Interest closes at 4.00 pm, 29 August 2019

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