Business to Business (B2B) NEM RoLR Changes

Market National Electricity Market
StageDraft Report
ConvenorAEMO NEM
Accepting submissions?No

The Information Exchange Committee has concluded its consultation on the changes to the RoLR B2B Procedure which were proposed in the interests of improving the functionality of existing B2B transactions processes.

This Consultation was conducted under clause 7.17.4 of the National Electricity Rules (NER), in accordance with the Rules consultation requirements detailed in rule 8.9 of the NER.

  • First stage
  • Second stage
  • Final stage

First stage consultation

AEMO is conducting a consultation on B2B Procedures on behalf of the IEC. The changes proposed in this consultation are in the interests of improving the functionality of existing B2B transactions processes.

The changes (Changes) which are proposed (Proposal) are intended to:

  • Enhance the Retailer of Last Resort (RoLR) B2B Customer Details Report provided by the failed/suspended retailers to the RoLR.
  • Correct identified errors in the NEM RoLR Processes (Part B) Procedure; and
  • Address gaps in obligations on the treatment of inflight work requests where the work is being undertaken by a non-LNSP service provider.

The expedited consultation procedure consisting of two stages, draft determination and final determination, is being applied as the proposed changes are not expected to have any system impacts to AEMO or other market participants, except the suspended retailer.

The IEC invites written submissions on the matters under consultation, including any alternative or additional proposals which you consider may better meet its objectives, as well as the national electricity objective in section 7 of the National Electricity Law.

Submissions in response to this Notice should be sent by email by 5:00pm (AEST) on 31 March 2023 to

First stage consultation submissions

Ten submissions were received in response to the Draft Report.

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