Ergon Energy Corporation Limited Regulatory Test Consultation Gracemere area - Addendum

Market Network Service Provider
StageDiscussion Paper
ConvenorAEMO NSP
Accepting submissions?No
Submissions close04/11/2014

10 September 2014

In December 2013, Ergon Energy Corporation Limited (Ergon Energy) published a Request for Information for the Gracemere area in Central Queensland. Since that time, Ergon Energy’s Distribution Authority has been amended, changing the Security of Supply Criteria under which network investment planning is undertaken. The new Security of Supply Criteria, are underpinned by an economic, probabilistic, customer value based approach to reliability and are aimed at increasing asset utilisation in a controlled manner that balances network expenditure and performance. It is intended that the new Criteria will improve customer value by reducing the growth and cost of network assets.

In line with these changes, Ergon Energy has revisited the network investment requirements for the Gracemere area, and has identified a material change in those requirements. As a consequence, Ergon Energy has decided to publish this Addendum to the Request for Information, detailing the new conditions and requirements.

Ergon Energy is responsible (under its Distribution Authority) for electricity supply to the Gracemere area in Central Queensland. We have identified emerging limitations in the electricity distribution network supplying the area. The loads on Ergon Energy’s Malchi 66/11kV Zone Substation (which supplies the entire Gracemere area) and 11kV network have progressively increased to the point that meeting the minimum standards for reliability of supply will not be possible beyond 2016/17, if no action is taken.

If no action is taken, the Gracemere network will not be compliant with the requirements under the recently mandated “Safety Net” component of the Security Criteria from the summer of 2016/17. 

A decision is required by January 2015 if the initial stage of any option involving significant construction is to be completed by 1 November 2016. 

This Addendum is a further Request for Information where Ergon Energy is seeking updated/new information about possible solutions to the (adjusted) emerging limitations, which may be able to be provided by parties other than Ergon Energy.

10 September 2014 | filesize: 3.14 MB (.pdf)

Submissions in writing (electronic preferably) are due by 4 November 2014 and should be lodged to:

Attention: Network Development

Updated information will be provided on our web site:

For further information and inquiries please submit to the email address above. 

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