MSATS Standing data review

Market National Electricity Market
StageFinal Report
ConvenorAEMO NEM
Accepting submissions?No

AEMO has concluded its consultation on the future structure and content of Standing Data for Market Settlement and Transfer Solutions (MSATS).

AEMO is aware that MSATS Standing Data may in some cases be no longer fit-for-purpose due to several factors including:

  • The increased number of market participants updating and using Standing Data;
  • The number of changes to the rules and regulatory framework since the commencement of the National Electricity Market (NEM);
  • Changed market roles and responsibilities;
  • New technologies, products and services which means that a greater level of detail in some cases is needed by market participants (especially related to the metering arrangements at connection points).

The MSATS Standing Data Review (MSDR) provided an opportunity to ensure MSATS Standing Data reflects the needs of the market by standardising the data and ensuring that data are complete, accurate and useful. These changes are also focussed enabling market participants to provide improved outcomes for electricity consumers.

This review also considered initiatives such as Power of Choice, 5 Minute (and Global) Settlement and the Consumer Data Right, as well as consideration of other matters that participants felt is important.

This consultation was conducted in accordance with the Rules consultation requirements detailed in clause 8.9 of the National Electricity Rules.

Document 5MS/GS Standing Data Changes (effective 1 October 2021)  MSATS Standing Data Review Phase 1 (effective 14 March 2022)  MSATS Standing Data Review Phase 2 (effective 7 November 2022) 
 CATS  v4.91 (change marked)  v4.93 (change marked)  v.5.2 (change marked)
 v4.91 (clean)  v4.93 (clean)  v5.2 (clean)
 v4.5 (change marked)  v4.93 (change marked)  v5.2 (change marked)
 v4.5 (clean)  v4.93 (clean)  v5.2 (clean)
Standing Data for MSATS  v4.5 (change marked)  v4.6 (change marked) v5.2 (change marked)
 v4.5 (clean) v4.6 (clean) v5.2 (clean)
Metrology Procedure Part A  N/A  v7.3 (change marked)  N/A
 v7.3 (clean)
Retail Electricity Market Procedures - Glossary and Framework  N/A  v3.5 (change marked)  N/A
 v3.5 (clean)
Exemption Procedure - Meter Installation Malfunctions  N/A  v1.2 (change marked)  N/A
 v1.2 (clean)

Consultation Timeline


Indicative Date


Pre-consultation meetings:


Sector-by-sector Presentations

6-12 December 2019


Pre-Consultation Workshop

3-4 February 2020


First Stage:


Initial Draft Standing Data for MSATS Guidelines, Issues Paper and Notice of Consultation

24 February 2020


Submissions close

31 March 2020


Second Stage:


Draft Report and Notice of Consultation, MSATS Procedures

14 May 2020


Submissions close

5 June 2020


Third Stage:


Second Draft Report and Notice of Consultation, MSATS Procedures

3 July 2020


 Data transition workshop

17 July 2020


Submissions close*

27 July 2020**


Final Report and Standing Data for MSATS

7 September 2020


Data Transition Workshop Notes

AEMO held a data transition workshop on 17 July 2020 from 9am-1pm. This workshop worked through the details of data transition across each field. The slides presented at the meeting and a summary of the proposed changes are available below.

Notice to correct an inconsistency

AEMO is conducting a consultation on proposed amendments to the Market Settlement and Transfer Solution (MSATS) Procedures as part of proposed changes to MSATS Standing Data in the National Electricity Market (NEM). This consultation is being conducted under clause 7.16.7 of the National Electricity Rules (NER), in accordance with the Rules consultation requirements detailed in rule 8.9 of the NER.

AEMO has invited written submissions on the Second Draft Report and Determination (Second Draft Report), in response to the Notice of Third Stage of Rules Consultation, by 5.00pm (Melbourne time) on Monday 27 July 2020.

AEMO’s second draft determination is to amend the retail electricity procedures and other relevant documents in the form published with the Second Draft Report. These documents include the Standing Data for MSATS document (Document). As stated in the Document, the Document is not yet effective and AEMO will provide participants with at least 8 months’ notice prior to the effective date.

Inadvertently, Table 3 in the Document is inconsistent with Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 in the Second Draft Report. Specifically, Table 3 should state that GPS coordinates are Required for all NMIs for three years (36 months) from the effective date, then Mandatory thereafter, to enable a suitable transition period for collection.

The relevant cells in Table 3 should read as follows:


GPS Coordinates Latitude is the angular measurement North or South of the equator in decimal degrees (to 7 decimal places). Angles South of the equator will be represented as negative values. E.g. -37.8886755. It is the latitude of the metering installation and not of the site.

Mandatory for all NMIs.


as per the description

(Transition period: REQUIRED for 36 months from effective date of these Procedures, MANDATORY thereafter)





GPS coordinates Longitude is the angular measurement East or West of the prime meridian in decimal degrees (to 7 decimal places). Angles East of the Prime Meridian (e.g. Australia) will be represented as positive values. E.g. +145.1410361. It is the longitude of the metering installation and not of the site.

Mandatory for all NMIs.


as per the description

(Transition period: REQUIRED for 36 months from effective date of these Procedures, MANDATORY thereafter)



In this regard, AEMO will consider the potential for further meetings with stakeholders, if the feedback to AEMO during the Third Consultation Stage indicates that such meetings would be necessary or desirable.  

Data Transition Workshop

AEMO will hold a data transition workshop on 17 July 2020 from 9am-1pm. This workshop is intended to work through the details of data transition across each field that is new, amended or removed. During the workshop, scenarios will be outworked field-by-field on the basis of the feedback gained from the responses to the First Draft Report and a pre-workshop feedback survey. The findings from the workshop will be used to inform AEMO’s analysis of potential solutions for the data transition and the final consultation documents. 

This forum will be hosted via Webex. Please confirm attendance by emailing COB Monday 6 July, and for AEMO’s records, please provide the names and role titles of those intending to join in the discussion.

Second Draft Report & Determination

Date: 3 July 2020

AEMO is continuing its consultation conducted on MSATS Standing Data changes. AEMO has published a Second Draft Report to consult on proposed amendments MSATS Standing Data. The publication of this Second Draft Report marks the commencement of the third stage of consultation. Several of the changes being consulted on will require MSATS schema and procedure changes. 

Submissions should be forwarded to AEMO by COB Friday 27 July 2020. Further details regarding this consultation can be found in the Second Draft Report.

For any queries on this consultation, please contact


Second Draft stage consultation documents

Final Determination and Procedures to be published on 7 September 2020.

AEMO is extending the date for publication of the final determination and procedures for Market Settlements and Transfer (MSATS) Standing Data Review Consultation from 17 July 2020 to 7 September 2020. The extension is required for AEMO to further request, consider and evaluate feedback on the complexities and new issues raised in the earlier stages of consultation on MSATS Standing Data Review. AEMO recognises there is value is continuing to assess industry’s preferences to ensure the most effective structure for MSATS Standing Data following the implementation of Power of Choice. AEMO will publish a second draft report and procedures to consult on these matters on 3 July 2020. 

First Draft Report & Determination

Date: 14 May 2020

AEMO is continuing its consultation conducted on MSATS Standing Data changes. AEMO has published a Draft Report to consult on proposed amendments MSATS Standing Data. The publication of this Draft Report marks the commencement of the second stage of consultation. Several of the changes being consulted on will require MSATS schema and procedure changes. 

Submissions should be forwarded to AEMO by COB Friday 5 June 2020. Further details regarding this consultation can be found in the Draft Report.

For any queries on this consultation, please contact

Draft Determination Timetable Extension

Draft Determination and Procedures to be published on 14 May 2020.

AEMO is extending the date for publication of the draft determination and procedures for the MSATS Standing Data Review from Thursday 30 April 2020 to Thursday 14 May 2020. The extension is required for AEMO to consider and evaluate the complex issues arising from stakeholder submissions provided to the Issues Paper, including data transition, as well as the interdependencies among various rule and procedural changes. The Review also considers initiatives such as Power of Choice, 5 Minute (and Global) Settlement and the Consumer Data Right, as well as consideration of other matters that participants may feel is important. 

AEMO will provide an additional 5 business days for review of the draft with submissions closing on Friday 5 June 2020.

First stage consultation

Date: 24 February 2020

AEMO has published an Issues Paper to consult on proposed amendments MSATS Standing Data.

Several of the changes being consulted on will require MSATS schema and procedure changes. To help stakeholders and other interested parties respond to this Issues Paper around the data field changes proposed, AEMO is publishing a change marked version of the Standing Data for MSATS Guideline in the initial stage of consultation.

Submissions should be forwarded to AEMO by 31 March 2020.

Further details regarding this consultation can be found in the Issues Paper.

For any queries on this consultation, please contact

First stage submission documents

First stage submissions were received from:

Pre-consultation Meetings

Over December 2019, AEMO held meetings with each industry sector to brief them on the proposed pre-consultation and consultation approach for MSDR and called for suggestions regarding changes to MSATS Standing Data. The attendance of these meetings consisted of retailers, distributors, metering businesses, and prospective embedded network managers, as well as bodies such as the Australian Energy Market Commission and Australian Energy Regulator. The content presented at these meetings is available below.

This feedback was collated and discussed in a two-day workshop held over 3-4 February. The workshop generated several points of broad agreement on changes to be taken to formal consultation as well as a number of unresolved points of contention that AEMO has sought to address in the Issues Pape. The slides presented at the workshop and the outcomes from the discussion are below.

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