Draft 2024 ISP Consultation

Market National Electricity Market
StageFinal Report
ConvenorAEMO NEM
Accepting submissions?No


  • Publication of the Draft 2024 ISP
    15 December 2023
  • Draft 2024 ISP publication webinar
    20 December 2023
  • 2024 ISP consumer advocate capacity building webinar
    30 January 2024
  • Consumer advocate verbal feedback
    15 February 2024
  • Submissions due on Draft 2024 ISP
    16 February 2024
  • Draft 2024 ISP submissions reflection webinar
    2 April 2024
  • Final 2024 ISP published
    26 June 2024


AEMO’s Integrated System Plan (ISP) is a roadmap for the transition of the National Electricity Market (NEM) power system, with a clear plan for essential infrastructure that will meet future energy needs. The ISP’s optimal development path (ODP) sets out the needed generation, storage and network investments to transition to net zero by 2050 through current policy settings and deliver significant net market benefits for consumers. It draws on extensive stakeholder engagement on the methodology, inputs, assumptions and scenarios and Draft 2024 ISP.

  • Draft 2024 ISP 
  • Consultation submissions
  • Final 2024 ISP

2024 ISP data files

2024 ISP Traces

Draft 2024 ISP data files

Demand trace data

Regional files

The files below provide draft regional demand traces, by components for each NEM region for both 10% and 50% probability of exceedance (POE) maximum demands and for 13 different reference years (2011-12 till 2023-24) by scenario.

Note that electricity demand for the production of both domestic and export hydrogen is not included in any of the components below for any scenario. Demand associated with hydrogen production is modelled separately according to the approach outlined in AEMO’s methodologies and IASR.

Each of the zipped regional files includes:

  • OPSO: Contains half-hourly regional demand traces for operational demand (demand after the impact of rooftop PV and PVNSG). Note that operational demand on the forecasting portal includes demand from EVVPP which is not included in this trace component.
  • OPSO_PVLITE: Contains half-hourly regional demand traces for operational demand (demand before the impact of rooftop PV and PVNSG)
  • OPSO_MODELLING: Version of demand used in AEMO’s market modelling. OPSO_MODELLING = OPSO – ICL + EVVPP.
  • PV: Contains half hourly regional generation traces for rooftop PV
  • PV_TOT: Contains half hourly regional generation traces for all embedded PV, including rooftop PV and PVNSG. Generation from PVNSG can be found as PV_NSG = PV_TOT – PV.
  • EV: Contains half hourly regional aggregate electric vehicle charging
  • ESS: Contains half hourly regional aggregate customer installed battery charging/discharging. ESS is capturing the net impact of battery storages (charge – discharge). To remove ESS from OPSO you would subtract it: OPSO - ESS
  • VTOH: Contains half hourly regional aggregate discharging from electric vehicles to homes (only used in the Step change scenario).
  • EVVPP: Coordinated EV charging (targeting low demand periods, helping to lift minimum demand). Not reflected in demand traces
  • ELECTRIFICATION_BUS: Electrification impact on the business sector
  • ELECTRIFICATION_RES: Electrification impact on the residential sector
  • ICL: Estimated interconnector losses (to allow netting off those if you are modelling interconnector losses in the market modelling).

Subregional files

Modelling files are provided for the subregions for anyone looking to recreate AEMO’s modelling. Specifically, the following files are available (see above for explanations):

  • PV
  • PV_TOT

These are available for 13 different reference years (2011-12 to 2023-24).

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