Generator Performance Testing and Monitoring

Transmission Connected Generating Systems need to demonstrate that their performance is in accordance with their Registered Generator Performance Standards. This requirement is divided into two separate activities:

1. GPS Compliance Tests, which need to occur before a new or modified generator is allowed to operate in the SWIS.

  • GPS Compliance Tests must be submitted using the Generator Performance Standard Test Procedure Template (GPS Test Procedure Template).

2. Generator Monitoring Plan (GMP) which details how the Transmission Connected Generating System will comply with the approved GPS – this is an ongoing requirement.

  • A GMP needs to be submitted using the Generator Monitoring Plan Template (GMP Template). The process of establishing a GMP can be summarised into the following stages of interaction:

Market Participants responsible for Transmission Connected Generating Systems need to contact AEMO to discuss their GMP.

To submit a GMP please refer to the Market Participant User Guide to AEMO WEM GMP SharePoint which can be accessed here.

 The key documents related to Generator Monitoring Plan and GPS Commissioning Tests for Transmission Connected Generating Systems are:

Contact us:

For technical queries about GPS Compliance Tests or Generator Monitoring Plans please contact AEMO WEM GPS on

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