Capacity Trading and Auction reports

Daily public reports relating to Capacity Trading and the daily Capacity Auction are listed below. Information relating to these reports are provided in the Capacity Transfer Day-Ahead Auction Transactions, available here Capacity Trading and Auction Procedures Policies and Guides.

Historical Auction Quantity Limits and Auction Results can also be downloaded in single files from Capacity Trading and Auction Data. Archived reports are available from clicking here.

This report notifies participants when the market delay or cancellation process is triggered.

This report lists the Auction Quantity Limits (AQLs) for each product component available for the day ahead auction.

This report lists the cleared quantity, cleared price and price sensitivities for each auction product component following each auction run.

This report lists the following items for each facility and service type:

  • initial cleared quantity as determined by the Auction Solver;
  • where there has been a curtailment of the initial cleared quantity, the revised auction quantity. This quantity must be the aggregate minimum quantity made available to auction participants on the gas day;
  • final aggregated scheduled nominations.

This report provides a notice to the industry whenever an auction service is impacted by a facility curtailment within the gas day that the auction capacity is scheduled to be available to shippers.

This report provides a consolidated list of all secondary capacity trades within the reporting period which includes:

  • GSH trades (screen traded and off-market trades) executed during the current trading day
  • Bilateral trades submitted into the GBB in the past 24 hours

The report is triggered daily at 7:30 PM (AEST) if there are any trades within the reporting period.

The report contains details of curtailment of nominations against secondary firm rights (Capacity Trading Platform trades) for service points (receipt and delivery points).

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