Updated ESOO formalises investment needs in South Australia

1 min

Following the Australian Energy Market Commission’s extension of the Interim Reliability Measure (IRM) from 30 June 2025 to 30 June 2028, AEMO has published the required Update to the 2023 Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) which formalises the previously flagged Retailer Reliability Instrument in South Australia.

Required under the National Electricity Rules, this update only reflects the three-year extension of the IRM, with no other changes relative to the 2023 ESOO published in August 2023.

AEMO Executive General Manager System Design, Merryn York, said: “With the extension of the IRM, AEMO will now request the AER to consider a reliability instrument for South Australia in 2026-27 as previously flagged.”

As per the 2023 ESOO, federal and state government initiatives, including transmission projects and mechanisms delivering firming capacity, such as the Commonwealth's Capacity Investment Scheme, can address many of the identified risks over most of the 10-year horizon, if delivered to schedule.

Please find AEMO’s 2023 ESOO overview and infographic.


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