AEMO updates resources for journalists and analysts ahead of summer

2 min

As the summer peak approaches, AEMO is working to ensure plans are in place to actively manage heightened risks to power system operations to ensure the delivery of reliable and secure power to consumers.

These plans are laid out in the summer readiness plan, updated for 2020-2021 and available on the AEMO website.

The summer operations infographic provides a snapshot of how AEMO manages the National Electricity Market (NEM), the world’s longest power grid during its heaviest demand period. It demonstrates the actions taken by AEMO before, during and after the long, hot Australian summer.

For those seeking further detail or background, the AEMO website is home to a range of educational materials and resources designed to provide background information, in-depth technical analysis and/or plain language explanations, including in relation to the operation of the NEM and the mechanisms at AEMOs disposal to support reliable operations.

AEMO's website contains a wealth of information about Australia’s energy markets, including the resources below: 
Topic Information covered Location/link
National Electricity Market (NEM) NEM and AEMO’s role in the NEM. NEM Fact Sheet
NEM data Current and historical price/demand/ generation fuel mix information. NEM data dashboard
NEM market participants Registration requirements, responsibilities and functions of each type of participant. NEM Participants
NEM data Long term historical data - price and demand by region, by month. Price demand data
Wholesale electricity market   WEM data dashboard
Power System Requirements Technical and operational needs for maintaining a secure and reliable system. System requirements
Generation Capacity of existing, withdrawn, committed, and proposed generation projects in the NEM. Report
CSIRO GenCost report Generation, storage, cost, projections (incl. renewable v coal fired). GenCost report

For more information:    AEMO Media I Mobile: 0409 382 121 I Email:  

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