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Update - Direction - SA Region - 03/04/2024
Update - Direction - SA Region - 03/04/2024
Refer Market Notice 115945
The AEMO intervention event that commenced from interval ending 1405 hrs on 03/04/2024 is continuing.
AEMO may issue or revoke additional directions in order to meet the current requirement, unless sufficient market response is provided. A further market notice will be issued when all directions related to this requirement have been cancelled.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Update - Direction - SA Region - 03/04/2024
Update - Direction - SA Region - 03/04/2024
Refer Market Notice 115945
The AEMO intervention event that commenced from interval ending 1405 hrs on 03/04/2024 is continuing.
AEMO may issue or revoke additional directions in order to meet the current requirement, unless sufficient market response is provided. A further market notice will be issued when all directions related to this requirement have been cancelled.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Non-credible contingency event - QLD region - 03/04/2024
Non-credible contingency event - QLD region - 03/04/2024
At 2322 hrs the Kareeya PS units 1, 2, 3 and 4 tripped.
AEMO did not instruct load shedding.
AEMO has not been advised of any disconnection of bulk electrical load.
The cause of this non credible contingency event is not known at this stage.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Update - Non-credible contingency event - NSW region - 03/04/2024
Update - Non-credible contingency event - NSW region - 03/04/2024
Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 115944
At 2301 hrs the Eraring Power Station Unit 1 and Unit 2 were returned to service.
The cause of this non-credible contingency event has been identified and AEMO is satisfied that another occurrence of this event is unlikely under the current circumstances.
AEMO will not reclassify this event as a credible contingency event.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Possible intervention to manage power system security in SA region
Possible intervention to manage power system security in SA region
The synchronous generating units currently expected to be synchronised in SA from 0100 hrs 05/04/2024 will be inadequate to maintain a secure operating state in SA .
AEMO may need to intervene by issuing a direction requiring one or more SA synchronous generating unit(s) to operate or remain synchronised to maintain power system security in SA .
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Direction - SA region 03/04/2024
Direction - SA region 03/04/2024
In accordance with section 116 of the National Electricity Law, AEMO has issued a direction to a participant in the SA region. For the purposes of the National Electricity Rules this is a direction under clause 4.8.9(a).
The direction was necessary to maintain the power system in a secure operating state.
AEMO may issue or revoke additional directions in order to meet the current requirement, unless sufficient market response is provided. A further market notice will be issued when all directions related to this requirement have been cancelled.
The issue of the direction commences an AEMO intervention event. AEMO declares all trading intervals during the event to be intervention trading intervals, commencing from the interval ending 1405 hrs on 03/04/2024.
Intervention pricing does not apply to this AEMO intervention event.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Non-credible contingency event - NSW region - 03/04/2024
Non-credible contingency event - NSW region - 03/04/2024
At 1322 hrs the Eraring Power Station Unit 1 and the Eraring Power Station Unit 2 tripped.
AEMO did not instruct load shedding.
AEMO has not been advised of any disconnection of bulk electrical load.
The cause of this non credible contingency event is not known at this stage.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Update - Possible intervention to manage power system security in SA region
Update - Possible intervention to manage power system security in SA region
Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 115940
The synchronous generating units currently expected to be synchronised in SA from 0800 hrs 04/04/2024 will be inadequate to maintain a secure operating state in SA .
AEMO estimates that, in the absence of sufficient market response by 1400 hrs 03/04/2024, AEMO may need to intervene by issuing a direction requiring one or more SA synchronous generating unit(s) to operate or remain synchronised to maintain power system security in SA.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Possible intervention to manage power system security in SA region
Possible intervention to manage power system security in SA region
The synchronous generating units currently expected to be synchronised in SA from 0800 hrs 04/04/2024 will be inadequate to maintain a secure operating state in SA .
AEMO may need to intervene by issuing a direction requiring one or more SA synchronous generating unit(s) to operate or remain synchronised to maintain power system security in SA .
Manager NEM Real Time Operations