Market Notices

119800RESERVE NOTICE02/11/2024 02:46:38 PM

STPASA - Update of the Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the QLD Region on 04/11/2024


The Forecast LOR1 condition in the QLD region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 119746 has been updated at 1400 hrs 02/11/2024 to the following:

1. From 1800 hrs to 1900 hrs 04/11/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 1120 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 916 MW.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
119792RESERVE NOTICE02/11/2024 02:48:43 PM

STPASA - Update of the Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the QLD Region on 07/11/2024


The Forecast LOR1 condition in the QLD region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 119744 has been updated at 1400 hrs 02/11/2024 to the following:

1. From 1700 hrs to 1730 hrs 07/11/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 867 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 840 MW.

2. From 1900 hrs to 1930 hrs 07/11/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 978 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 655 MW.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
119789RESERVE NOTICE02/11/2024 02:22:00 PM

STPASA - Update of the Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the NSW Region on 07/11/2024


The Forecast LOR1 condition in the NSW region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 119747 has been updated at 1400 hrs 02/11/2024 to the following:

1. From 1330 hrs to 1530 hrs 07/11/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 1400 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 834 MW.

2. From 1900 hrs to 2000 hrs 07/11/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 1430 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 730 MW.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
119774MINIMUM SYSTEM LOAD02/11/2024 12:11:56 PM

Cancellation - Forecast Minimum System Load MSL1 condition in the VIC Region on 02/11/2024


Cancellation - Forecast Minimum System Load MSL1 condition in the VIC Region at 1200 hrs 02/11/2024.

Refer to Market Notice 119742.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
119760MINIMUM SYSTEM LOAD03/11/2024 11:49:58 AM

Actual Minimum System Load MSL1 condition in the VIC Region on 03/11/2024

Actual Minimum System Load MSL1 condition in the VIC Region on 03/11/2024

Update to Market Notice 119811 - AEMO has detected that there is an elevated risk of insufficient demand to maintain a secure operating state in the VIC on 03/11/2024.

Minimum regional demand is forecast to be 1623 MW at 1300 hrs, and the advisory threshold is:
- MSL1 - 1770 MW
- MSL2 - 1270 MW
- MSL3 - 770 MW

The regional demand is below the MSL1 threshold. The actual MSL1 condition is forecast to exist until 1400 hrs.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
119747RESERVE NOTICE01/11/2024 04:11:10 PM

STPASA - Update of the Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the NSW Region on 07/11/2024


The Forecast LOR1 condition in the NSW region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 119703 has been updated at 1400 hrs 01/11/2024 to the following:

1. From 1430 hrs to 1800 hrs 07/11/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 1400 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 778 MW.

2. From 1900 hrs to 2000 hrs 07/11/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 1430 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 832 MW.

AEMO Operations
119746RESERVE NOTICE01/11/2024 04:08:56 PM

STPASA - Update of the Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the QLD Region on 04/11/2024


The Forecast LOR1 condition in the QLD region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 119572 has been updated at 1400 hrs 01/11/2024 to the following:

1. From 1730 hrs to 1930 hrs 04/11/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 1120 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 852 MW.

AEMO Operations
119744RESERVE NOTICE01/11/2024 04:07:22 PM

STPASA - Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the QLD Region on 07/11/2024


AEMO declares a Forecast LOR1 condition under clause 4.8.4(b) of the National Electricity Rules for the QLD region for the following periods:

1. From 1730 hrs to 1800 hrs 07/11/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 978 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 629 MW.

2. From 1900 hrs to 1930 hrs 07/11/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 978 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 754 MW.

AEMO Operations
119743MINIMUM SYSTEM LOAD01/11/2024 04:14:34 PM

Forecast Minimum System Load (MSL1) condition in the VIC region on 05/11/2024

Update to Market Notice 119682 - AEMO has detected that there is an elevated risk of insufficient demand to maintain a secure operating state in the VIC region on 05/11/2024.

Minimum System Load (MSL) conditions are forecast when regional demand is less than the relevant MSL threshold. The advisory MSL thresholds are:
o MSL1 - 1535 MW
o MSL2 - 1035 MW
o MSL3 - 535 MW

The regional demand is forecast to be below the MSL1 threshold for the following period:

From 1000 hrs to 1430 hrs 05/11/2024. Minimum regional demand is forecast to be 1106 MW at 1300 hrs.

Forecast regional demand (DEMAND50) is published in Short Term and Pre-Dispatch PASA region solution reports available on Market Data NEMWEB: .

AEMO Operations
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