NER S5.2.5.10 Guideline Consultation 

Market National Electricity Market
StageDiscussion Paper
ConvenorAEMO NEM
Accepting submissions?No
Submissions close24/08/2022
  • Initial Summary Guide published
    27 July 2022
  • Submissions close on Initial Summary Guide
    24 August 2022
  • Draft Guideline published
    Quarter 3 2023
  • Submissions close on Guideline
    Quarter 3 2023
  • Final Guideline published
    Quarter 4 2023


Through working with Network Service Providers (NSPs) and market participants, AEMO has found that there is uncertainty on the requirements of clause S5.2.5.10 “Protection to trip for unstable operation” of the National Electricity Rules (NER) and relating the requirements to the Power System Stability Guidelines (PSSG). As such, AEMO has identified an opportunity to establish a consistent understanding and approach for the technical requirements under, and compliance with, S5.2.5.10 for asynchronous generating systems and reactive plant such as Static Var Compensators (SVCs) and Static Synchronous Compensators (STATCOMs).

Guideline development 

In July 2022, AEMO published an initial summary guide to provide a summary perspective on some of the challenges to date, an overview of a proposed S5.2.5.10 guideline, seeking feedback on key questions and an opportunity to provide input to development of the guideline. 

AEMO received 10 submissions to the initial summary guide, which have provided useful feedback on the challenges for S5.2.5.10 and development of the guideline. 

In October 2022, AEMO commenced consultation for the review of technical requirements for connection (NER clause 5.2.6A), which includes review of the requirements for S5.2.5.10. The draft report published as part of this consultation provides additional detail on the challenges and considerations, refer to section 3.8 for S5.2.5.10. 

Through this consultation, AEMO hosted workshops and invited written submissions from participants, which provided further valuable feedback on the challenges associated with S5.2.5.10 in the context of the current rules, and also proposed future rules. Written submissions closed on 20 April 2023, with 8 submissions providing feedback relevant to S5.2.5.10. 

In order to ensure the outcomes of the technical requirements review and the proposed S5.2.5.10 guideline are coordinated, AEMO is focussing on ensuring all feedback provided to the technical requirements review is properly considered, and progressing time-critical deliverables which includes publishing draft rules for consultation in Quarter 2 2023. 

As such, AEMO anticipates publication of the draft S5.2.5.10 guideline in Quarter 3 2023, with more details to be provided in due course. 

More information on the technical requirements review, including submissions with feedback on S5.2.5.10 can be found at AEMO review of technical requirements for connection (NER clause 5.2.6A)

For further information, please email


All submissions will be published on AEMO’s website, other than confidential content. Please identify any parts of your submission that you wish to remain confidential and explain why. AEMO may still publish that information if it does not consider it to be confidential but will consult with you before doing so. 
Please note that material identified as confidential may be given less weight in the decision-making process than material that is published. 
Submissions received after the closing date and time will not be valid. Any late submissions should explain the reason for lateness and the detriment to you if AEMO does not consider your submission.

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