About the gas retail markets
AEMO facilitates gas retail markets in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia.
Information published by AEMO for each jurisdiction includes:
- Procedures made under the National Gas Rules (NGR).
- Technical protocols.
- Guidelines.
- Gas Retail Consultative Forum (GRCF) information.
- Retail development projects relevant to the gas retail markets.
AEMO provides retail market services to gas industry participants and delivers the infrastructure that provides over 5 million gas consumers with the ability to contract for the supply of gas with any licensed retailer of their choice, and facilitates the interactions between industry participants required to support efficient operation of the markets.
There are four primary gas retail market services that AEMO administers:
- Delivery Point Management – managing the customer transfer for gas delivery points and the associated market data between retailers, and between retailers and distribution businesses.
- Balancing, Allocation and Reconciliation Management – managing the daily allocation of gas usage to retailers to enable settlement of gas supply contracts, transmission and distribution use of system contracts.
- Procedure Change Management – managing further development and improvement of the Procedures governing the operation of the retail gas markets under the auspices of the NGL and NGR and the Retail Market Procedures (WA) and Energy Coordination Act (WA)
- Operating the central IT systems that facilitate retail market services.
ERA Fees
Notice received from Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) in relation to Retail Market Procedure clause 362B
Prior years
ERA Fee Western Australia Gas Retail Market 2023-24
191.03 KB -
ERA Fee Western Australia Gas Retail Market 2022-23
182.58 KB -
ERA Fee Western Australia Gas Retail Market 2021-22
143.12 KB -
ERA Fee Western Australia Gas Retail Market 2020-21
143.08 KB -
ERA fee – Western Australia Gas Retail Market: 2019-20
109.16 KB -
ERA fee – Western Australia Gas Retail Market: 2018-19
239.8 KB -
Western Australia retail gas draft budget and fees report: 2017-18
482.44 KB -
Western Australia retail gas budget and fees report: 2016-17
511.22 KB
If you require further information about AEMO gas retail services, please email supporthub@aemo.com.au.