Market procedures


Part 15B clause 135EA of the National Gas Rules (NGR) sets out the scope of activities to be managed under the gas procedures, and clause 135EB sets out the preconditions required for making procedures under the NGR.

In essence, AEMO may only make or change procedures if AEMO is satisfied the new procedure or changed procedure is consistent with the National Gas Law (NGL)/NGR and is appropriate, having regard to the National Gas Objective and any relevant Access Arrangement.

AEMO may make procedures that impact on the management of all aspects associated with the effective operation of a retail gas market that is subject to the NGL/NGR. Procedures have been established for each jurisdiction and provide the detail of the obligations of industry participants for the operation of jurisdictional gas retail markets.

The NGR prescribes the process to be used in making (or changing) the gas procedures. It requires that AEMO establish an "Approved Process" to be used for this purpose. The Approved Process is a consultative and inclusive process designed to ensure that any change to the procedures is developed and implemented with due regard to impacted stakeholder concerns. Any stakeholder is provided the opportunity to participate in the consultation for the development of a procedure change before AEMO approves any change.

The Approved Process gives rise to the “Change Process for East Coast Gas Retail Markets” guideline, which outlines the change management framework for gas retail markets operated by AEMO. This document should be applied for changes to the jurisdictional Retail Market Procedures and Technical Protocols. Participants submit change requests using the Gas Market Issue (GMI) and Proposed Procedure Change (PPC) templates below; use of these documents is outlined in the below Change Process for East Coast Gas Retail Markets.


AEMO administers the AEMO Retail Market Scheme under the Energy Coordination Act 1994 for the gas retail market in Western Australia. This Scheme consists of a Western Australian Gas Retail Market Agreement (WAGRMA) between gas market participants (including gas retailers and gas network operators) and AEMO as administrator, and the Retail Market Procedures (WA), which cover the requirements and processes to facilitate the ability for customers to choose their preferred retailer. The Procedures require all market participants to comply with the AEMO Specification Pack and the FRC Hub Operational Terms and Conditions, and these documents are also part of the AEMO Retail Market Scheme. 
The networks covered by the Scheme are the:

  • Mid-West/South-West Distribution System (including the Perth metropolitan area).
  • Kalgoorlie-Boulder Distribution System.
  • Albany Distribution System.

On 31 October 2016, AEMO was established to be the administrator of the WA Retail Market Scheme. 

The scheme needs to evolve over time as the gas retail market develops, and so Chapter 9 of the Retail Market Procedures (WA) contains a ‘Procedure change process’. The Procedure change process is a consultative and inclusive process designed to ensure that any changes to the Scheme documents (Western Australian Gas Retail Market Agreement, Procedures, AEMO Specification Pack and FRC Hub Terms & Conditions) are developed and implemented in a controlled fashion.

AEMO or any gas retail market participant can raise issues with the gas retail market and/or propose a change to the Scheme. Market issues and proposed changes to the Scheme documents are explored and developed by AEMO is conjunction with the Gas Retail Consultative Forum (GRCF). Having considered the GRCF's views on any changes to the Scheme documents, AEMO will determine whether to reject, accept, or modify any proposed change. All changes to the scheme are subject to approval of the Western Australian Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) for approval.

Market participants are to use the following templates for their communication with the GRCF:

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