Wholesale IT systems software

Data Interchange

Data interchange (DI) is a set of cooperating applications to replicate data between AEMO’s Wholesale Market Systems and registered participants' RDBMS conforming to the Electricity and/or Gas Data Models. AEMO recommends participants use the Data Interchange software (supplied by AEMO) to automate receiving and storage of the subscribed reports from Data Subscriptions. The data is conveniently stored in the participant's RDBMS conforming to the MMS Data Model.

Data Interchange software bundles

These packages have all the components necessary, including guides for each component, for a new installation of Data Interchange. Each bundle is for a specific RDBMS and latest release of the Electricity and Gas Data Models.

Data Interchange upgrade software

Here you can find the software components for upgrading an existing Data Interchange environment.

Data Interchange online help

All the Data Interchange documentation available on this page as PDF documents are now available as an online help.

Registered Participants can also find Data Interchange software and guides on the Participant File Share and EMMS Markets Portal > Data Subscription.

Data Model

The Data Model is the definition of the interface to participants for wholesale data published by AEMO. A database conforming to the Data Model contains a local copy of all current participant-specific data recorded in the AEMO's database. The following documents explain the packages, tables, and reports in the Data Model.

  • Data Model Upgrade Report - Explains the changes in that Data Model version.

  • Data Model Report - Explains all Data Model tables in that version.

  • Data Model Package Summary - Explains the Data Model packages and associated tables.

  • Data Model Table to File Report - Explains the Data Model packages, reports, tables, file IDs, and versions contained in each file name.

Data Model Manager

The Data Model Manager is an application installed on your local admin machine to deliver Data Model upgrades, new installations, and defect fixes.

Data Subscription

AEMO's wholesale system generates files continually, based on changes, five-minute dispatch runs, etc. These files (also known as reports) are typically comma-separated values (CSV) files. The files contain private and public data available to each participant. Using Data Subscription, participants can:

  • Obtain the MMS Data Model scripts for building and maintaining their participant's RDBMS conforming to the MMS Data Model.
  • Subscribe to the files made available by AEMO on the Participant File Server.
  • Unsubscribe from any files that are no longer required.

Data Delivery

Status Dashboard

Displays the status of the Data Interchange components within a participant organisation. A list of filenames, delivery dates, and a file re-request count (where a file is sent to the participant's system more than once). Multiple file deliveries can indicate a problem at the participant's end.

Data Sharing

View data sharing arrangements you have with other Participant IDs. The Guide to Data Sharing explains how to share data with another participant ID using the Data Interchange software.

File delivery Summary

Allows participants to query all delivered files within a date range, request selected files re-delivered to the file server.

Performance Monitor

The performance monitor is a graphical view of the current Data Interchange environment run and managed by AEMO. Participants not receiving data, or experiencing data delays can contrast the data delivery performance of their Data Interchange environment to AEMO's Data Interchange performance environment.

Participant Data Replication

The Participant Data Replication (PDR) software is a component of Data Interchange, providing Registered Participants with the tools to replicate data from AEMO's systems.

The PDR software consists of the following applications:

  1. Participant Data Replication Batcher (PdrBatcher), responsible for transferring files to and from AEMO's participant file server to participants' local Data Interchange folders.

  2. Participant Data Replication Loader (PdrLoader), responsible for loading files to and from participant's local Data Interchange folders to the participant's DBMS. It can be installed in any environment supporting Java.

  3. Participant Data Replication Monitor (PdrMonitor) is a web-based interactive interface allowing participants to configure and interrogate their Data Interchange instances. Participants install the software locally to run on either Windows or unix-like operating systems.

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