CER Data Exchange Industry Co-Design Consultation Paper

CER Data Exchange Public Consultation Webinar

On December 10th, the CER Data Exchange Industry Co-Design Project team hosted a public webinar to share stakeholder sentiments from our consultation paper and outline the industry preferred design for a CER Data Exchange. The recording and presentation can be accessed in the links below.

In this session, the team summarised:

  • The detailed submissions received from a broad range of stakeholders – including retailers, distribution network service providers (DNSPs), industry associations, aggregators, technology providers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and advisors.
  • How this feedback will shape our ongoing consultation on the high-level design of the CER Data Exchange and implementation strategy
  • Outlined the preferred option, next steps, and opportunities for stakeholders to further contribute to the co-design process in 2025.

CER Data Exchange Public Consultation Summary Report Now Available

This Consultation Summary Report provides an overview of the written submissions received on the Consumer Energy Resource (CER) Data Exchange Industry Co-Design Consultation paper. The paper was released in mid-October 2024 and outlined a proposed framework for the design of a national CER Data Exchange.

We received 23 written submissions from a broad range of stakeholders – including retailers, distribution network service providers (DNSPs), industry associations, aggregators, technology providers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and advisors.

Submission feedback will be a key input into the high-level design and implementation roadmap presented at the third workshop, which will be held in early March 2025.

AEMO thanks all stakeholders who have engaged in this public consultation process, as well as the open in-person workshops and Expert Working Group that made this possible. 

CER Data Exchange Public Consultation Paper

The CER Data Exchange Industry Co-Design Project sought feedback on the high-level design for a national CER Data Exchange. Following two industry workshops, we've gathered stakeholder insights on the desired functionalities and governance models for a data exchange. Through the Consultation Paper, we sought feedback on these topics and options shaped by earlier stakeholder input. Outcomes from this consultation will inform the preferred option and the high-level design.

Stakeholder Drop-In Session – November 7

The Project team hosted a Q&A style session recently to answer any questions related to the project or content included in the Consultation Paper.  A recording of this session and further information including summary reports from the first two Industry Workshops can be found on the CER Data Exchange Industry Co-Design webpage.

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