Market Notices

Notice type *

Notice type description *
Market suspended in region(s).

External reference *
Declaration of electricity market suspension

Reason *

Declaration of electricity market suspension

AEMO declares the spot market suspended in the NEM with Market Suspension Schedule Pricing (refer NER clause 3.14.5(b)) from Trading Interval 1555 hrs on 05 September 2024 until further notice. Dispatch prices for the first one or two dispatch intervals of this market suspension will be reviewed manually.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations

115794POWER SYSTEM EVENTS25/03/2024 03:48:06 PM

Non-credible contingency event - SA region - Torrens Island 25/03/2024


Non-credible contingency event - SA region - Torrens Island 25/03/2024

At 1412 hrs there was an unplanned outage of the following elements:
Torrens Island BW3 275 kV CB
Torrens Island BC3 275 kV CB
Torrens Island - Lefevre 275 kV line

AEMO did not instruct load shedding.

AEMO has not been advised of any disconnection of bulk electrical load.

The cause of this non credible contingency event is not known at this stage.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
115783POWER SYSTEM EVENTS25/03/2024 02:17:51 PM

Update - Non-credible contingency event - SA region - 25/03/2024


Update - Non-credible contingency event - SA region - 25/03/2024

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 115777

At 1350 hrs the Davenport - Brinkworth 275 kV line, Brinkworth No 3 275/132 kV transformer
and Brinkworth - Templers West 275 kV line was returned to service.

The cause of this non-credible contingency event has been identified and AEMO is satisfied that another occurrence of this event is unlikely under the current circumstances.

AEMO will not reclassify this event as a credible contingency event.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
115777POWER SYSTEM EVENTS25/03/2024 09:27:07 AM

Non-credible contingency event - SA region - 25/03/2024


Non-credible contingency event - SA region - 25/03/2024

At 0810 hrs there was an unplanned outage of the following elemets:
Davenport - Brinkworth 275 kV line
Brinkworth No 3 275/132 kV transformer
Brinkworth - Templers West 275 kV line

AEMO did not instruct load shedding.

AEMO has not been advised of any disconnection of bulk electrical load.

The cause of this non credible contingency event is not known at this stage.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
115771POWER SYSTEM EVENTS24/03/2024 04:39:39 PM

Update - Non-credible contingency event - SA region - 14/03/2024


Update - Non-credible contingency event - SA region - 14/03/2024

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 115624

At 1635 hrs the Tungkillo - Robertstown No. 1 275 kV Line and the Tungkillo East 275 kV Bus was returned to service.

The cause of this non-credible contingency event has been identified and AEMO is satisfied that another occurrence of this event is unlikely under the current circumstances.

AEMO will not reclassify this event as a credible contingency event.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
115624POWER SYSTEM EVENTS14/03/2024 11:47:59 PM

Non-credible contingency event - SA region - 14/03/2024


Non-credible contingency event - SA region - 14/03/2024

At 2307 hrs the Tungkillo - Robertstown No. 1 275 kV Line and the Tungkillo East 275 kV Bus tripped.

AEMO did not instruct load shedding.

AEMO has not been advised of any disconnection of bulk electrical load.

The cause of this non credible contingency event is not known at this stage.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
115595POWER SYSTEM EVENTS12/03/2024 03:29:42 AM

Non-credible contingency event - QLD region - 12/03/2024


Non-credible contingency event - QLD region - 12/03/2024

At 0249 hrs the Strathmore - Clare South No 7208 132KV Line opened at Strathmore end only.

AEMO did not instruct load shedding.

AEMO has not been advised of any disconnection of bulk electrical load.

The cause of this non credible contingency event is not known at this stage.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
115270POWER SYSTEM EVENTS28/02/2024 12:17:11 PM

Non-credible contingency event - QLD region - 28/02/2024


Non-credible contingency event - QLD region - 28/02/2024

At 1029 hrs the Tully - Cardwell No.7389 132 kV Line tripped and auto reclosed and Ross - Woree No. 8905 275 kV Line tripped and auto reclosed.

AEMO did not instruct load shedding.

AEMO has not been advised of any disconnection of bulk electrical load.

The cause of this non credible contingency event is not known at this stage.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
114759POWER SYSTEM EVENTS15/02/2024 02:06:23 PM

Update: Significant power system event - Victoria Region - Hazelwood transformers and Hazelwood PS - Jeeralang No 2 220kV -13/02/2024


Update - Significant power system event - 13/02/2024

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notices 114685

At 1247 hrs 15/02/2024 the Hazelwood PS - Jeeralang No 2 220kV line was returned to service in the Victoria region

All of the equipment has now been returned to service.

The cause of this significant power system event has been identified and AEMO is satisfied that another occurrence of this event is unlikely under the current circumstances.

AEMO will not reclassify this event as a credible contingency event.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
114685POWER SYSTEM EVENTS13/02/2024 10:37:34 PM

Update: Significant power system event - Victoria Region - Hazelwood transformers -13/02/2024


At 1827 hrs 13/02/2024 At Hazelwood terminal station in the Victoria region, the following plant was returned to service.

The No1 500 kV / 220 kV transformer
The No2 500 kV / 220 kV transformer
The No3 500 kV / 220 kV transformer
The No4 500 kV / 220 kV transformer

The Jeeralang - Hazelwood No 2 220kV line remains out of service.

Refer to Network outage scheduler (NOS) for further details.

Refer Market notice 114641 and 114643

This Market Notice is issued in accordance with NER clause 4.8.3.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
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