Market Notices

118463PRICES SUBJECT TO REVIEW26/09/2024 04:02:27 PM

[EventId:202409261605_review] Prices for interval 26-Sep-2024 16:05 are subject to review


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1600 hrs on 26 September 2024

PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 26-Sep-2024 16:05.

AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
118462PRICES SUBJECT TO REVIEW26/09/2024 03:55:29 PM

[EventId:202409261600_review] Prices for interval 26-Sep-2024 16:00 are subject to review


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1555 hrs on 26 September 2024

PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 26-Sep-2024 16:00.

AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
118461PRICES SUBJECT TO REVIEW26/09/2024 03:50:20 PM

[EventId:202409261555_review] Prices for interval 26-Sep-2024 15:55 are subject to review


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1550 hrs on 26 September 2024

PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 26-Sep-2024 15:55.

AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
118460PRICES SUBJECT TO REVIEW26/09/2024 03:45:27 PM

[EventId:202409261550_review] Prices for interval 26-Sep-2024 15:50 are subject to review


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1545 hrs on 26 September 2024

PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 26-Sep-2024 15:50.

AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
118459PRICES SUBJECT TO REVIEW26/09/2024 03:40:16 PM

[EventId:202409261545_review] Prices for interval 26-Sep-2024 15:45 are subject to review


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1540 hrs on 26 September 2024

PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 26-Sep-2024 15:45.

AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
118458PRICES SUBJECT TO REVIEW26/09/2024 03:35:21 PM

[EventId:202409261540_review] Prices for interval 26-Sep-2024 15:40 are subject to review


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1535 hrs on 26 September 2024

PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 26-Sep-2024 15:40.

AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
118443MARKET SYSTEMS25/09/2024 02:43:56 PM

CHG0098660:Telstra Melbourne Indial (03 9609 XXXX-XXXX)

Change Number: CHG0098660
Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Completed
Change Type: Normal
Service/Component: Cisco IP Phone
Change Title: Telco Outage Notification - Telstra Melbourne Indial (03 9609 XXXX-XXXX)
Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
118422RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY24/09/2024 02:53:49 PM

Cancellation - Reclassification of a Non Credible Contingency Event: Trip of Golden Plains No. 1 220 kV bus - Vic region - 20/08/2024


Cancellation - Reclassification of a Non Credible Contingency Event: Trip of Golden Plains No. 1 220 kV bus - Vic region - 20/08/2024

Refer to MN 117734

Based on advice from the asset owner, AEMO no longer considers the trip of Golden Plains No. 1 220 kV bus as a credible contingency event.

Therefore AEMO cancels the reclassification as a credible contingency event from 1450 hrs 24/09/2024.

Constraint Set revoked: NIL

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
118416MARKET SYSTEMS24/09/2024 10:24:04 AM

CHG0098666:Telstra Melbourne Indial (03 9609 XXXX-XXXX)

Change Number: CHG0098666
Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Cancelled
Change Type: Normal
Service/ Component: Cisco IP Phone
Change Title: Telco Outage Notification - Telstra Melbourne Indial (03 9609 XXXX-XXXX)
Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600

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