Project EDGE Forums
Supporting Project EDGE are a number of forums run by each of the project partners (AEMO, AusNet Services and Mondo) targeted towards key industry stakeholders as follows:
Forum | Lead | Audience |
DER Market Integration Consultative Forum | AEMO | Aggregators and retailers |
Network Advisory Group | AusNet Services | Network and distribution businesses |
Consumer Advisory Group | Mondo | Hume region community stakeholders |
A brief overview of each group and how to get involved is provided below.
As the project progresses, additional forums and working groups may be established to support the outcomes of the project. Information on such forums will become available as they arise.
DER Market Integration Consultative Forum
DER Market Integration Consultative Forum (MICF) meetings are held monthly to enable:
- AEMO to better understand aggregator perspectives on design options for market participation of VPPs / Aggregators, which can inform AEMO’s development and prioritisation of activities.
- Aggregators to better understand the market operations and practicalities of market participation, facilitating a smoother integration into market frameworks.
- Timely updates on the progress of trials facilitating DER integration into market operations and related works.
To find out more or get involved, contact
Network Advisory Group
Led by AusNetServices, this group facilitates:
- Feedback on the specific distribution network service design aspects of the project.
- Opportunity to share information and uplift stakeholder understanding of Project EDGE.
- Input and agreement by stakeholders on the scope of the project to enhance validity of the project and application to future market development
This forum audience is limited to Distribution Network businesses or by exception via invitation.
To find out more contact
Consumer Advisory Group
Mondo lead the consumer engagement activities within the Hume region where Project EDGE is taking place. This forum provides:
- Opportunities for the project team to understand the views, requirements and concerns of the local residential and commercial consumers in relation to DER and Project EDGE.
- Discussion on how best to maximise the outcomes of the project in relation to potential consumer benefits from participating in the trial and future implementation of similar market arrangements.
- A forum to raise consumer awareness and understanding of Project EDGE.
Forum audience is limited to consumers in the Hume Region or by invitation only. To find out more contact
Terms of Reference
The terms of reference provide further detail on each of the forums.
For more information on the project, visit AEMO’s Project EDGE website.