Expressions of Interest and Indicative Facility Class assessment
AEMO invites both existing Market Participants and new proponents to participate in the Expressions of Interest (EOI) process, which marks the commencement of a Reserve Capacity Cycle.
A new Flexible Capacity product (capacity able to respond at very short notice to manage changes in load during high ramp periods) has been introduced for the 2025 and future Reserve Capacity Cycles. For Flexible Certified Reserve Capacity minimum eligibility requirements, please refer to the Flexible Certified Reserve Capacity Minimum Eligibility Requirements Final Report.
As such, proponents can apply to receive either Peak Certified Reserve Capacity (Peak CRC) or both Peak and Flexible Certified Reserve Capacity (Flexible CRC) for new capacity (new Facilities and upgrades to existing Facilities) from the 2025 Reserve Capacity Cycle.
Applicants are encouraged to provide information relevant to any new Energy Producing System and/or Demand Side Programme (DSP) capacity they intend to make available as Peak Capacity and Flexible Capacity in the South West Interconnected System for the Reserve Capacity Cycle to which the EOI relates.
2025 Expressions of Interest
The 2025 Request for Expressions of Interest invites Market Participants and new proponents to submit an EOI for Peak CRC or both Peak CRC and Flexible CRC for new Energy Producing Systems and/or DSP capacity they intend to make available for the 2025 Reserve Capacity Cycle (applicable to the 2027-28 Capacity Year).
The Wholesale Electricity Market Rules (WEM Rules) do not require a proponent to submit an EOI to be eligible to apply for Peak CRC or both Peak CRC and Flexible CRC.
In considering whether to submit an EOI, proponents are encouraged to make note of the below:
- For proponents that submit an EOI, AEMO will assess the EOI and assign an IFC for Peak CRC and Flexible CRC application purposes prior to the CRC application period specified in clause 4.9.1 of the WEM Rule.
- Proponents that do not submit an EOI must apply separately for an IFC assessment prior to applying for Peak CRC or both Peak CRC and Flexible CRC. IFC assessment submissions require the same information submitted in an EOI, which are submitted using the same application form as the EOI application form.
- The submission of a valid EOI and the submission time will affect the Facility's place in the priority order when assigning a NAQ in instances where there is a tie-break in the NAQ calculation process.
An EOI/ IFC assessment application must address all questions in the EOI/IFC application form, with all supporting evidence where appropriate, to be a valid EOI under clause 4.2.6 of the WEM Rules or a valid IFC assessment application under clause 4.8A.4 of the WEM Rules.
EOIs must be submitted to AEMO by 5:00pm (Australian Western Standard Time), Tuesday 4 March 2025.
Previous Expressions of Interest
2024 Expressions of Interest
The 2024 Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) invites Market Participants and proponents to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for Certified Reserve Capacity in the 2026-27 Capacity Year.
Proponents are not required to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to be eligible to apply for Certified Reserve Capacity (CRC).
For proponents that submit an EOI, AEMO will assess the EOI and assign an indicative Facility Class (IFC) for CRC application purposes prior to the opening of the CRC window.
The submission of a valid EOI and the submission time will affect the Facility’s priority order when assigning the Network Access Quantity (NAQ) in instances where there is a tie-break in the NAQ calculation process.
Proponents that do not submit an EOI must apply for an IFC assessment prior to applying for CRC. IFC assessment submissions require the same information submitted in an EOI. IFC are submitted using the same application form as the EOI application form. All questions in the EOI/IFC assessment must be responded to and supporting evidence should be submitted where appropriate.
Failure to adequately respond to the EOI may result in the EOI being deemed invalid under clause 4.2.6 of the Wholesale Electricity Market Rules (WEM Rules).
EOIs must be submitted to AEMO by 5:00pm (Australian Western Standard Time), Friday 1 March 2024.
2023 Expressions of Interest
A Market Participant must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) as a condition of being eligible to seek certification of Reserve Capacity under section 4.8.2 of the Wholesale Electricity Market Rules (WEM Rules) for any new capacity, which includes an upgrade of a Facility, in the 2023 Reserve Capacity Cycle for the 2025-26 Capacity Year.
EOIs, including all supporting documentation, must be submitted to AEMO by 5:00 PM (Australian Western Standard Time [AWST]) on 1 March 2023. -
2022 Facility Class Assessment
A Market Participant with a Registered Facility for which any of the conditions under section 1.45.4 of the WEM Rules apply, must seek an assessment for an applicable RCM Facility Class in accordance with the timeframe and processes specified in the WEM Procedure under clause 4.8A.7. Applications must be made using the form below.
A person intending to participate in the 2022 Reserve Capacity Cycle with a facility that is unregistered as at the New RCM Transition Date, must under section 1.45.8 of the WEM Rules apply to AEMO for an indicative Facility Class and an indicative Facility Technology Type in accordance with the WEM Procedure specified in clause 4.8A.7. Applications must be made using the form below.
2015 and 2016