AEMO has published the latest Energy Adequacy Assessment Projection (EAAP) report this afternoon. The report is a crucial document for identifying and understanding potential power system vulnerabilities to extreme weather events.
The Energy Adequacy Assessment Projection (EAAP) quantifies the impact of potential energy constraints on expected levels of unserved energy (USE) in the National Electricity Market (NEM) over a two-year outlook period.
The EAAP complements AEMO’s other reliability assessments such as the Medium Term Projected Assessment of System Adequacy (MT PASA) and the Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) with a primary focus on the impact of energy constraints on reliability in the next two years.
Analysis detailed in the report indicates that the prevailing drought conditions are not expected to increase the risk of supply shortfalls this summer, as there is sufficient flexibility to use the limited water at times most needed.
The report also confirms that the supply scarcity risks projected for this summer are primarily due to other climatic conditions such as extended periods of high temperature and low wind or solar generation, corresponding with unplanned generation outages. AEMO has plans in place to help mitigate these risks.
The strategic relationship forged with BOM will allow us to continue to improve our understanding of the power system vulnerabilities to extreme weather events and climate change, which is becoming increasingly important now that both supply and demand are impacted by weather.
You can read the latest EAAP report here.