The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) Board has commenced
the search for two directors to replace Ms Sibylle Krieger and Mr Jon Hubbard
who will retire from the Board in accordance with AEMO’s Constitution, at the conclusion
of AEMO’s Annual General Meeting to be held in November 2020.
Board search consultants Russell Reynolds Associates have been retained to undertake the search and will be developing a long list of potential candidates for consideration by AEMO’s Nomination Committee and the independent Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council Appointments Selection Panel.
AEMO Members are welcome to refer potential candidates who meet the independence criteria as set out in AEMO’s Constitution. These referrals should be sent to Karen Chan of Russell Reynolds Associate at as soon as possible.
Once the COAG Energy Council Appointments Selection Panel has completed interviews with shortlisted candidates and is in a position to make recommendations for appointment to the Members, AEMO will hold a Special General Meeting of Members to consider whether they agree to recommend the candidates to COAG’s Energy Council for appointment. At this stage it is expected that the Special General Meeting will be held in September 2020.
Further information on the appointment process is available on our website.