State of the System

3 min

Welcome to AEMO’s latest State of the System update, a regular round-up of developments, initiatives and consultations relating to the National Electricity Market (NEM).
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ISP getting ready to launch

The Integrated System Plan (ISP) team are hard at work to publish the 2022 ISP on 30 June 2022, which is very exciting. AEMO is seeking feedback about engagement in the development of the 2022 ISP to ensure that engagement on the 2024 ISP is the best it can be.
If you’ve been involved in the engagement activities of the ISP, we would be grateful if you could complete this short survey, to assist us in planning for the next two-year cycle. Any written comments that exceed the character limit of the survey can be emailed to
The survey will close on Friday, 10 June 2022.


NEM Engineering Framework

AEMO is preparing to publish the NEM Engineering Framework Priority Actions in June 2022.

This publication provides stakeholders with a status update on Engineering Framework and outlines an initial list of high priority near-term actions that will help prepare the NEM for the futures envisioned by the ISP. The near-term actions have been developed through targeted stakeholder engagement which balanced the need for consumer focused strategic prioritisation and the need for timely action.

AEMO will be providing an updated report on the Engineering Framework in Q4 2022 that will summarise the status of all potential gaps identified in the Initial Roadmap, as well as exploring future priorities and implementation pathways in more detail.

Please email to provide feedback on this publication or to sign up for Engineering Framework updates, including new publications and engagements.


NEM Connections Update

Since mid-March 2022, six new generators achieved registration, coming to a combined total of 821 megawatts (MW). These projects are:

  • Happy Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant, SA, 12 MW
  • Mannum-Adelaide Pipeline Power Station No 3, SA, 12 MW
  • Moorabool Wind Farm, VIC, 305 MW
  • Metz Solar Farm, NSW, 115 MW
  • Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park, SA, 201 MW
  • Woolooga Solar Farm, QLD, 176 MW

Three generators completed commissioning and are now in full operation:

  • Gunnedah Solar Farm, NSW, 110 MW
  • Crudine Ridge Wind Farm, NSW, 138 MW
  • Suntop Solar Farm, NSW, 150MW


West Murray Zone Update

AEMO continues to work closely with Network Service Providers (NSPs) on the integration assessment for projects in the West Murray Zone (WMZ). Four projects are undergoing WMZ integration and a further five projects in the WMZ have commenced Stage 1 Due Diligence review and are expected to commence WMZ integration in the coming months.

Connecting projects within the WMZ remains very challenging in terms of capacity. AEMO's National Connections team remains committed to working with all NSPs and developers to progress projects, but it is critical for developers at every stage to keep in regular contact with the relevant NSP and inform themselves of all potential impacts of WMZ congestion on their project.

If you are planning to move forward with your project, please work closely with your NSP and complete all the requirements outlined in AEMO’s Connecting generators in the West Murray Zone – sequencing uncommitted projects.

If you are unsure if your project is in the WMZ, please see the WMZ map on the AEMO website or alternatively, please contact your connecting NSP.


Intermittent Power System Oscillations Update

AEMO has observed intermittent power system oscillations in the West Murray area (VIC/NSW) under a variety of conditions since first identified on 20 August 2020, following a line trip in the West Murray Zone.

Soon after the event, AEMO developed a bespoke tool that monitors high resolution power system quantities at Red Cliffs Terminal Station (RCTS) 220 kV and captures intervals with sub-synchronous voltage oscillations.

The frequency of oscillations has been around 19 Hz with varying magnitude. While analysing a number of instances when power system oscillations were observed, the highest magnitude of oscillations has been closer to the Red Cliffs area. 

On 25 August 2021, AEMO held an industry briefing to present information regarding a number of instances of these oscillations. Subsequent to that, AEMO also released sample oscillations data for stakeholders to analyse.  

AEMO is working closely with AusNet, Powercor and relevant participants to resolve the issue. AusNet installed additional monitoring equipment at Wemen area, which is helping the investigation. Powercor has now installed similar monitoring equipment in its sub-transmission network under Wemen Terminal Station to further support the investigation.  

AEMO, in collaboration with AusNet and Powercor, is currently developing a report that will provide further information on the observed intermittent power system oscillations. The report is expected to be published in Q3  2022.

You can find more West Murray updates here on our website.


System Strength Framework

On 26 April 2022, AEMO kicked off the System Strength Requirements Methodology and System Strength Impact Assessment Guidelines amendments consultation, with the publication of the Issues Paper.

Stakeholders were invited to attend our Q&A webinar, to discuss the issues paper prior to lodging written submissions. The webinar was well attended and the AEMO team heard some really excellent questions and feedback. 

AEMO sees system strength as the ability of the power system to maintain and control the voltage waveform at any given location in the power system, both during steady state operation and following a disturbance.

In October 2021, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) released its final determination on the efficient management of system strength on the power system. This has introduced new rule requirements for the System Strength Requirements Methodology and Impact Assessment Guidelines, as well as consequential changes to the Power System Stability Guidelines. AEMO has begun consultation on the proposed changes to these documents.

It's not too late to get your submission in to by 5pm (AEST) Wednesday, 1 June 2022.

For more details on this consultation, and to view the issues paper and webinar slides, visit:


New Fast Frequency Market

On the 2 May 2022, AEMO published its Market Ancillary Service Specification Issues paper and initiated consultation on the Market Ancillary Service Specification (MASS) with regards to incorporation of very fast frequency control ancillary services (very fast FCAS).
This publication follows the AEMC's Final Determination and Final Rule published in July 2021 to introduce two new market ancillary services – very fast raise, and very fast lower FCAS – collectively known as very fast FCAS.
The consultation on the MASS will focus on proposed amendments to the MASS to include the new services. The MASS amendments are due to be published by 19 December 2022.
Submissions on the MASS Issues Paper should be forwarded to by 5pm (AEST) on Tuesday, 21 June 2022. Consulted persons are encouraged to use the Response template, available on the MASS consultation webpage when preparing their submissions.


Energy Education Courses

Enrolments are now open for the remainder of AEMO’s energy education courses in 2022! You can find all dates on the AEMO website

Set out for the next six months, this calendar highlights the comprehensive list of AEMO-run gas and electricity courses. As a result of increased demand and interest from industry, government and regulatory bodies, AEMO is delivering more courses to provide a better understanding of the complexities of Australia’s existing and emerging energy systems and markets.  

In the second half of 2022, selected NEM Overview courses will be offered face-to-face in NEM capital cities including Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Virtual course delivery will continue to be available to complement our face-to-face courses. 

All courses are open to existing and intending market participants, government, energy industry members and other interested parties. These courses are a fantastic opportunity to develop your Australian energy industry understanding and expertise.  

To explore, enrol and pay for AEMO energy education courses, visit the AEMO Learning Academy. 


Keeping across AEMO’s events and meetings

Engaging our stakeholders is a key priority at AEMO. We aim to be a trusted partner through collaborative engagement and enhanced transparency. One way we strive to do this is through our wide range of engagement events and forums.

To keep up to date on all the activities we are holding, check out our Industry Meetings Calendar to see which meetings might be relevant for you. If you are interested in attending a meeting, click the meeting to find email address to direct your enquiries.


Useful Resources

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