State of the System update

10 min

Welcome to AEMO’s latest State of the System update, a regular round-up of developments, initiatives and consultations relating to the National Electricity Market (NEM).

As always, we welcome feedback via or through our survey and encourage anyone who is interested in receiving future updates to subscribe.


NEM Connections update

Since mid-July 2022, three generators with a total capacity of 319 megawatts (MW) achieved registration and three generators with a total capacity of 596 MW, completed commissioning and are now in full operation. These projects are:

Achieved registration

  • West Wyalong Solar Farm, NSW, 90 MW
  • Kaban Wind Farm, QLD, 152 MW
  • Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park (Solar), SA, 77 MW 

Completed commissioning

  • Sebastopol Solar Farm, NSW, 90 MW
  • Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park (Wind), SA, 201 MW
  • Moorabool Wind Farm, VIC, 305 MW


System Strength Framework

AEMO has published the final System Strength Requirements Methodology (SSRM) and Power System Stability Guidelines (PSSG).
System strength is a power system security service traditionally provided by large thermal and hydro synchronous generation. Declining minimum operational demand, changing synchronous generation behaviour, and the rapid uptake of variable renewable energy resources have combined to reduce the levels of system strength available in parts of the NEM.
In October 2021, the Australian Energy Market Commission finalised a new framework for enhancing the provision of system strength in the power system. With today’s publication, AEMO concludes its consultation on amendments to the SSRM and PSSG to incorporate the new framework.

From 1 December 2022, AEMO will provide an annual assessment of system strength requirements against a new power system standard comprising a minimum fault level requirement and a requirement for stable voltage waveforms at connection points to host future generation.

AEMO is progressing consultation on the other system strength instrument, the System Strength Impact Assessment Guidelines, through a separate consultation pathway.

AEMO thanks all stakeholders for their considered advice and input throughout the consultation process.For more information, please contact


PSSE Models for Distributed PV and Load

In collaboration with Network Service Providers (NSPs), AEMO has developed dynamic models to represent the aggregate behaviour of distributed PV and composite load during NEM power system disturbances.

The models have been calibrated against 15 different historical disturbances occurring in QLD, NSW, SA and VIC between 2018 and 2021. These disturbances are designed to represent distributed PV shake-off in response to voltage disturbances, achieving an uncertainty margin of ±30%. The beta version models have now been reviewed by NSPs, and the version 1 release is in the final stages of preparation.

Once released, the intention is for the models to be used by Transmission Network Service Providers (TNSP) to review network stability limits in periods with high levels of distributed PV generation, so that the possibility of distributed PV shake-off can be incorporated into those limits. This will allow limits to be updated to consider the increasing role of distributed PV in determining the operating envelope of the power system. Possible updates to limits, where they are required, could commence from Q1 2023, with limits addressed progressively in priority order.

AEMO and TNSPs will provide communications to stakeholders that may be affected as this work progresses.


AEMO completes pilot testing for the Connections Simulation Tool

AEMO has completed pilot testing for its world-first Connections Simulation Tool ahead of an expected launch later this year. The project team requested expression of interest from industry to gauge demand for the tool in its first year of usage. The expressions of interest process attracted interest from about 50 applicants, demonstrating the value of the tool.

The tool provides a cloud-based environment for users to run studies on new generation and storage projects against AEMO’s NEM model. The tool is independent of, but will support, the connections process. Using the tool, users will be able to develop higher quality models that, once submitted, will require fewer approval iterations and thereby reducing the time and cost to connect.

Industry collaboration has been key to the solution development. During the pilot generation developers, engineering consultants and equipment manufacturers shaped the solution across user experience, features, processes, pricing model, and modelling studies. Industry feedback via surveys has been really positive about the usefulness and value of the tool.

AEMO’s website has further information on the Connection Simulation Tool where you may also register your interest. You can also email


Power System Model Guidelines

Shortly, AEMO will be conducting a review of the Power System Model Guidelines. These guidelines specify AEMO’s requirements concerning the information and models that generators, Network Service Providers (NSPs), network users, Market Network Service Providers, prospective Network Support and Control Ancillary Service tenderers and prospective System Restart Ancillary Services Providers (Applicants) must provide to AEMO and NSPs in specified circumstances.

When it's ready to kick off, the consultation will be published on AEMO's website and in the AEMO Communications newsletter.


Connections Scorecard published

AEMO’s new connections scorecard reports on key NEM generation connection statistics including volumes and timeframes. This reporting aims to increase understanding of progress as we work together as an industry to build the generation we need across the NEM.

You can find it on our new Connections Scorecard webpage.


Market Ancillary Service Specification

AEMO published its Final Market Ancillary Service Specification (MASS) Determination and Final MASS on Friday 7 October 2022. The review and amendment of the MASS was initiated following the Australian Energy Market Commission's Final Determination and Final Rule published in July 2021 to introduce two new market ancillary services – very fast raise, and very fast lower FCAS – collectively known as very fast FCAS. 

AEMO commenced its review, consultation and amendment of the MASS on the 02 May 2022 and focused on proposed amendments to the MASS to include the new very fast FCAS services. Both the Final MASS Determination and the Final MASS are available on AEMO’s MASS Consultation webpage.


Access Standards Review

AEMO is about to publish an Approach Paper that will mark the commencement of AEMO’s first review of technical requirements for connection under clause 5.2.6A of the National Electricity Rules (NER). Under this clause, AEMO is required to conduct a review of some or all of the technical requirements in NER Schedules 5.2, 5.3 and 5.3a at least once in every five-year period to assess whether those requirements should be amended.

More information will become available on our consultation webpage or you can get in touch on


2024 Integrated System Plan Timetable

On 30 September, AEMO published the 2024 ISP Timetable. The timetable provides stakeholders with the key milestones of the 2024 ISP development process, including the establishment of the ISP Consumer Panel and dates for the release of the Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report (IASR), the ISP Methodology, the Draft ISP and the Final ISP.


Education notes

Enrolments are now open for the remainder of AEMO’s energy education courses in 2022! You can find all dates on the AEMO website.  

Set out for the next three months, the calendar highlights the comprehensive list of AEMO-run gas and electricity courses. As a result of increased demand and interest from industry, government, and regulatory bodies, AEMO is this year delivering more courses to provide a better understanding of the complexities of Australia’s existing and emerging energy systems and markets.

All courses are open to existing and intending market participants, government, energy industry members and other interested parties. These courses are a fantastic opportunity to develop your Australian energy industry understanding and expertise.  

To explore, enrol and pay for AEMO energy education courses, visit the AEMO Learning Academy.  

Keeping across AEMO’s events and meetings

Engaging our stakeholders is a key priority in our corporate plan. We aim to be a trusted partner through collaborative engagement and enhanced transparency. One way we strive to do this is through our wide range of engagement events and forums. To keep up to date on all the activities we are holding check out our Industry Meetings Calendar to see which meetings might be relevant for you. If you are interested in attending a meeting, click the meeting to find email contact details.


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To learn more or to work with AEMO on these updates, contact the Stakeholder Relations team.

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