Market Notices

114937MARKET SYSTEMS22/02/2024 09:56:46 AM

CHG0085737 | Pre-Production | Pre-production EMMS database refresh

Change Number: CHG0085737
Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Initial
Change Type: Normal
Service/ Component: Electricity Market Management System
Change Title: Pre-production EMMS database refresh
Change Start Date & Time: 26/02/2024 08:00:00 AEST
Change End Date & Time: 17/03/2024 17:30:00 AEST
Outage Start Date & Time: 04/03/2024 08:00:00 AEST
Outage End Date & Time: 08/03/2024 19:00:00 AEST
Environment: Pre-Production
Participant Impact and Requirements: The pre-production EMMS environment will be refreshed with production data (NEM, WARE, SETTLEMENTS & GSH databases).
The Electricity Market Management System (EMMS) and Gas Supply Hub (GSH) Pre-Production environment will be unavailable during the outage window.

Upon completion of the outage users will be required to log in to the GSH Trayport application using their Production credentials.Trayport passwords in Pre-Production environment will be replaced with their Production passwords
Support Information:
Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or call 1300 236 600.
Please refer to for any
planned/unplanned maintenance activities .
114932NON-CONFORMANCE22/02/2024 05:55:17 AM

NON-CONFORMANCE Region VIC1 Thursday, 22 February 2024


NON-CONFORMANCE VIC1 Region Thursday, 22 February 2024

AEMO has declared the following unit as non-conforming under clause 3.8.23 of the National Electricity Rules:

Unit: MERCER01
Duration: 22/02/2024 05:40 to 22/02/2024 05:55
Amount: 127 MW
Constraint: NC-V_MERCER01

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
114931NON-CONFORMANCE22/02/2024 04:30:13 AM

NON-CONFORMANCE Region NSW1 Thursday, 22 February 2024


NON-CONFORMANCE NSW1 Region Thursday, 22 February 2024

AEMO has declared the following unit as non-conforming under clause 3.8.23 of the National Electricity Rules:

Unit: VP6
Duration: 22/02/2024 04:20 to 22/02/2024 04:30
Amount: -29 MW
Constraint: NC-N_VP6

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
114912NON-CONFORMANCE21/02/2024 05:16:04 AM

NON-CONFORMANCE Region QLD1 Wednesday, 21 February 2024


NON-CONFORMANCE QLD1 Region Wednesday, 21 February 2024

AEMO has declared the following unit as non-conforming under clause 3.8.23 of the National Electricity Rules:

Duration: 21/02/2024 04:30 to 21/02/2024 05:15
Amount: 41 MW
Constraint: NC-Q_YABULU2

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
114911NON-CONFORMANCE21/02/2024 05:15:13 AM

NON-CONFORMANCE Region QLD1 Wednesday, 21 February 2024


NON-CONFORMANCE QLD1 Region Wednesday, 21 February 2024

AEMO has declared the following unit as non-conforming under clause 3.8.23 of the National Electricity Rules:

Duration: 21/02/2024 04:30 to 21/02/2024 05:15
Amount: 75 MW
Constraint: NC-Q_YABULU

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
114894NON-CONFORMANCE20/02/2024 05:15:16 PM

NON-CONFORMANCE Region NSW1 Tuesday, 20 February 2024


NON-CONFORMANCE NSW1 Region Tuesday, 20 February 2024

AEMO has declared the following unit as non-conforming under clause 3.8.23 of the National Electricity Rules:

Unit: MP2
Duration: 20/02/2024 17:10 to 20/02/2024 17:15
Amount: 27 MW
Constraint: NC-N_MP2

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
114863NON-CONFORMANCE18/02/2024 03:15:21 PM

NON-CONFORMANCE Region NSW1 Sunday, 18 February 2024


NON-CONFORMANCE NSW1 Region Sunday, 18 February 2024

AEMO has declared the following units comprising an Aggregate Dispatch Group as non-conforming under clause 3.8.23 of the National Electricity Rules:

Aggregate Dispatch Group: DPNTBESS_ADG1
Duration: 18/02/2024 14:55 to 18/02/2024 15:15
Amount: 21 MW
Constraint: NC-N_DPNTBESS_ADG1

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
114859MARKET SYSTEMS18/02/2024 02:18:50 PM

CHG0083624 | Completed | Production | A production site transfer of the Electricity and Gas B2B Hub will be carried out to facilitate maintenance activities.

Change Number: CHG0083624
Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Completed

Change Type: Normal

Service/Component: Gas Hub

Change Title: A production site transfer of the Electricity and Gas B2B Hub will be carried out to facilitate maintenance activities.

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
114857MARKET SYSTEMS18/02/2024 02:04:26 PM

CHG0082609 | Completed | Production | MSATS-CATS Production Maintenance

Change Number: CHG0082609
Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Completed

Change Type: Normal

Service/Component: MSATS - Consumer Administration and Transfer Solution(CATS)

Change Title: MSATS-CATS Production Maintenance

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
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