Market Notices

60942RECALL GEN CAPACITY25/01/2018 09:57:59 AM

Communication system and a procedure for Scheduled Generators to submit recall information


As a part of AEMO's summer readiness program, AEMO has established a communication system and an operating procedure for Scheduled Generators to submit recall information of their outages electronically to AEMO systems.

The operating procedure SO_OP_3719 - Procedure for Submitting Recall Information of Scheduled Generator Outages explains this process. It is available on AEMO website at:

Given that AEMO and participant systems are ready, commencing from Monday 29 January 2018, AEMO will use this new communication system and the procedure to obtain recall information of Scheduled Generator outages for the purposes of NER clause 4.8.5A for all regions except Tasmania.

Ken Harper
Group Manager Operational Support
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