Loss Factors

In accordance with section 2.27 of the WEM Rules, by 1 June of each year Western Power must calculate and provide to AEMO Loss Factors for each connection point in its network. Where Western Power fails to provide AEMO with the Loss Factors by 1 June, AEMO must continue to use the equivalent Loss Factors from the previous year until such time as Western Power has provided AEMO with the new Loss Factors and those Loss Factors have taken effect.

AEMO must publish the Loss Factors within two business days after receiving them from Western Power. AEMO must also publish the time from which the Loss Factors will apply.

A Market Participant may apply to AEMO for a reassessment of any Loss Factor applying to a Scheduled Facility, Semi-Scheduled Facility, Non-Scheduled Facility or Non-Dispatchable Load registered by that Market Participant in accordance with section 2.27.15 of the WEM Rules.

Loss Factors 2024 - 2025

The links below provide further information on the Loss Factors which apply from 1 July 2024.

Loss Factors 2023 - 2024

The links below provide further information on the Loss Factors which apply from 1 July 2023 or 1 October 2023.

Previous Loss Factors

The Loss Factor procedure can be found on the Western Power website.

This web page is published in accordance with Market Rule 10.5.1 (l).

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