Market Price Limits

Current Market Price Limits

Name  Units From Date    Value
 Energy Offer Price Ceiling  $/MWh  1/10/2023  $738.00A
 Energy Offer Price Floor  $/MWh 1/10/2023    -$1,000.00
 Contingency Reserve Raise Offer Price Ceiling  $/MW/h 1/10/2023    $300.00
 Contingency Reserve Lower Offer Price Ceiling  $/MW/hour  1/10/2023  $300.00
 RoCoF Control Service Offer Price Ceiling  $/MWs/hour 1/03/2024  $0.00
 Regulation Raise Offer Price Ceiling  $/MW/hour  1/10/2023  $300.00
 Regulation Lower Offer Price Ceiling  $/MW/hour 1/10/2023   $300.00

In accordance with clause 1.61.6 of the WEM Rules, subject to clause 2.26.2V, the Energy Offer Price Ceiling that will apply from the New WEM Commencement Day is deemed to be the value equal to the Alternative Maximum STEM Price under the Pre-Amended Rules immediately prior to the New WEM Commencement Day.

Review of Market Price Limits

The Economic Regulation Authority is responsible for reviewing the value of the Market Price Limits in accordance with clause 2.26 of the WEM Rules. Further information regarding the review and consultation can be found on the ERA website

Historical Market Price Limits

AEMO will update this section as new Market Price Limits are determined by the ERA.

Name  Units  To Date  Value
RoCoF Control Service Offer Price Ceiling  $/MWs/hour 1/10/2023   $300.00
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